PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Hi Everyone!! i havnt been updating nor write on the blog for ages. hehehe.. how's everyone doing? just checking up on y'all... i guess this consider as a post. :D:D


Anonymous said...

I have been very encouraged by this messages by Saya David Lah. pls check them out.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sinner saved by grace, we're all missing your
post/testimonies/sharing for ages too...thanks for dropping by...your name siNNer saVed bY gRaCe is being testify.....

siNNer saVed bY gRaCe said...

Thoughts of the day...

Your LOVE is so deep & its overwhelming. The more i seek YOU, the more i find YOU. The more i find YOU, the more i thirst of YOU. Thanks for your Saving Grace. :