PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nway Nway's Graduation

Wassup, readers? Mingalaba. :)

The highlight of this week is definitely Nway Nway's graduation. I'll keep it short and sweet, okay?

Very tiring.
Very busy.
Very hungry.
Very many people.
Very big celebration.
Very happy.

Very thank God. :)))

This is actually Nway Nway's special day and it could very well be her personal celebration with her close family and friends. But she always take any opportunity to host and create an environment for EVERYONE to gather and fellowship.

  • She opened her house to welcome us.
  • Her family spent a lot of time cooking and preparing for us.
  • Best of all, they turned on their air con for us HAHAHA
    (Hey, the heat was not even funny, okay.)

Enough. Picture time.




^The after party at Aw Lay's house. 

  • Too much food
  • Too many people
  • Young and old
  • Mote Hin Gar (super super good, cooked by Aw & Nway's mom)
  • Gazillion BBQ - ribs, oysters, chicken wings, beef satay, tongue (the best), fish, corn, meatballs......... ETC!

I'm still full from yesterday! :D

All in all, congratulations to Nway Nway and it was a great time of bonding and fellowship. 

I'll be blogging another post about today's YAF's meeting in a bit. It was so fun, we laughed till our stomachs hurt so much.

Father, we pray to be united as brothers and sisters. Please bless us and teach us to grow and be patient with one another, filling in the gaps with our strengths and weaknesses. When one of us falls, let the other one sustain us. Let us not just contain this joy and salvation for ourselves... but because You have given us this amazing love, it overflows and goes out into the world. Even if no one is there to applaud our good works, we just want to walk in Your ways because it is the only truth that brings real joy.... and we bless Your Name...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Encouragement from our Pastor

Keep up good work

Hi YAFers

I am glad that you all are doing great job in your daily life and church ministry. I've seen recently your blog and saw improvements. Not just blog but your maturity and personal commitment to the body of Christ. It is a time to revive among young adults for His purposes. Keep up with the Spirit and quench not. Keep up your selfless effort for our Lord whether anyone is clapping for you or not. Remember one little fire can start much fire. Keep up with each other in patient and enduring the disappointments. Each of us are responsible for one another. No one should be left out alone in the wild world. Uphold the week and support the strong one. We are the ambassadors for Christ. Praying for you all.

Please update me with the rest of you whom I do not have their email addresses.



YAF's First Service Up There...

Up there... where? Haha... we need to name our new place. Ideas, anybody? I mean, we have the chapel, sanctuary, gym, conference room, etc. Calling it the third floor is not cool. -_-


So after the cleaning madness on Saturday, we had our first YAF service at our new place... RIGHT AFTER our 3 hours of Sunday service which was... RIGHT AFTER our morning bible study.. which was RIGHT AFTER the praise & worship rehearsal in my case!!!

Talk about being on fire.... I literally burned out when I got home. ZZZZZZZZZZZ


Saya Lone Wah preached a stabbing message about Christ but the constant outburts of laughter from his quirky preaching style embedded with such relevant examples from our actual lives kept the meeting lively and broke the monotony. Hopefully, future YAF meetings can be spontaneous, fun, and just .. young!!! In no way will we downplay the importance of our salvation but we want to be creative and provide a comfortable atmosphere for young adults to be themselves and open up their hearts.

Oh yes it was TMZ's birthday so we also sang him a bday song! Previously he had treated THE ENTIRE bunch of us to indian buffet dinner at Bombay! Happy Birthday, bro! And thank you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

YAF Now Has A Place

If you been reading my posts diligently, you must have seen me spazzing over this new place YAF has just gotten!!! WOOHOO!!! Check it out! I'm delivering pictures as promised!!!

Above all things, (happy father's day) but thanks be to OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN for providing us with things we couldn't even imagine at first. This place is like a gift from heaven... 

We are growing so big and so fast (I didn't even notice!) that we really need a place to fellowship, worship and study the bible... now we do!

Excuse my jillion exclamation marks but I'm so emo now! So many of us showed up to clean and prep the place. It's wonderful. T_T

See for yourselves. I'm very tired now. :P


^Lu Aung <3


^Kwee Kwee, Myo, Emily, TMZ, Naing Kee, Kelly, Lu Aung


^Tang (new friend), Ngwar Wu, Tang Naung, TMZ, Lia Lian


^Sang Lian, Mang Pi, Naing Kee, Toe Toe, Tang, TMZ, etc! LOL can't see!


^Ashlee, Emily, Bay Bay (Nway Nway)


^Christian & Amanda (siblings)


^Danielle (Juniors' President)

(Even our juniors showed up! Aren't they adorable!!!??? They're so cute. Love them. <333)


^Ngwar Wu, Naing Kee, Toe Toe


^TMZ, Sang Lian... It was TMZ's birthday so he treated ALL OF US (O_O;) dinner at bombay, indian buffet, after the cleaning!


^Sang Lian.. he was cleaning that thing... forever.


^Almost at the end... end results, haha... 


^Naing Kee & Tang... carrying chairs that we're not going to use to the attic upstairs


^Kelly... YAF president. She was sick for a long time... but came!



Susan & Aw Lay :)


^Emily, Susan, Bay Bay, Kelly

They laughing about something... I was totally left out.


^Good job, Naing Kee and Mang Pi!


^Toe Toe, the kalay bo, hahahaha... 


^Mang Pi & Lia Lian... our precious praise & worship team members..


^Kelly & Myo showing some love



I'm sorry the pictures are all over the place. BUT BONUS! SUMMARY VIDEO! butwatwatwa



Saturday, June 20, 2009

Naing Kee's Birthday & Updates

This is one week overdue; forgive me. :D

But did you all even know it was Naing Kee's birthday last Friday!!!??? Hmmmm... surprise surprise~~~





We celebrated for him during last Friday's prayer meeting! Yay~

Just want to take this opportunity to testify what a great blessing this brother is to us.

He is a great addition to YAF and in many ways he gives me strength and encouragement. At first, I thought he's just another visitor but he actually stayed. Experiencing his faith in God together is an edification to myself.

Let's keep going from strength to strength.... :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

And also to share a little bit about THIS WEEK's prayer meeting, which was only a couple of hours ago, was FANTASTIC. It just keeps getting better. 

I'm happiest when my spiritual needs (?) are met. Well, I don't know what else to call it. I had burning questions from just this week alone, reserved for when I meet Saya Lone Wah and Sayama Aye Thaw, and the elders really guided me today and I was super blessed. We shared much laughter and learned so many things today.

Going to bible college,
warnings about misguided doctrines
to be led by the Holy Spirit
the truth about Jesus's 2nd coming
Kaya refugees/new arrivals

Of course, we prayed for many things as well and I felt satisfied.

Concord's search for a new church, 
Saya Myo Sett (?) wife's liver cancer,
Karen Fellowship,
Kaya new comers,
Ko Lawrence's hand surgery,
Upcoming BCANA Youth/Young Adult Meeting,

Between Sunday and Friday is only five days but I feel like it's forever. I can't wait to get to church and be around my brothers and sisters. Enduring temptations and testings through the week is really tough when I'm by myself. But when I see them, I feel like I can conquer everything. Haha... Especially when I learn the truth in God's word, I am fully recharged and ready for the next battle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

And also another unofficial announcement BUT WE ARE FINALLY GETTING OUR OWN LITTLE PLACE WOOHOOOOO~~~~!!! Excuse me but I can't contain the excitement. We're gonna meet tomorrow, Saturday, 4p.m. to clean it up. It's the abandoned and the quite-scary-3rd-floor of the church. LOL!!! Sorry, but it's super eerie!

Haha.. NO! By the grace of God, we shall transform it to be a place burning with God's passion, presence, love and power for the Young Adults and even our juniors. 

There's already a piano there.. TN has brought in his drum sets... so we're gonna make it a place of worship, fellowship, and all the other goodship! ^__^

I have to sleep.... need energy for tomorrow. PRAISE GOD! BECAUSE HE IS GOOOOOD!