Sunday, October 24, 2010
God will be there for you
God Will 'Be There' for You '...he leadeth me beside the still waters.' Psalm 23:2
Philip Yancey says, 'Faith means trusting in advance, what will only make sense in reverse.' If you fear the future, look back and see how God took care of you in the past.
'This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness... The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him' (Lamentations 3:21-25 NIV). You say, 'I don't know what I'll do if my loved one dies.' You will - when the time comes. You say, 'I don't know how I'll pay these bills.' Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides, will be there - when the time comes. You say, 'I'm not qualified to handle this, there's too much I don't know.' Maybe you want to know everything too soon. God will give you wisdom - when the time comes. The key is to meet today's problems with today's strength, and leave tomorrow in God's hands. During World War II, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, found it hard to sleep or rid his mind of fear until he adopted these words from the hymn 'Lead, Kindly Light': 'I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me.' And God isn't going to let you see the distant scene either. No, He promises a lamp for your feet, not a crystal ball for your future. 'He leadeth me' and that's enough for today. And tomorrow?
'...we will find grace to help us when we need it...' (Hebrews 4:16 NLT).
Have a blessed and victorious day! ;o)
Philip Yancey says, 'Faith means trusting in advance, what will only make sense in reverse.' If you fear the future, look back and see how God took care of you in the past.
'This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness... The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him' (Lamentations 3:21-25 NIV). You say, 'I don't know what I'll do if my loved one dies.' You will - when the time comes. You say, 'I don't know how I'll pay these bills.' Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides, will be there - when the time comes. You say, 'I'm not qualified to handle this, there's too much I don't know.' Maybe you want to know everything too soon. God will give you wisdom - when the time comes. The key is to meet today's problems with today's strength, and leave tomorrow in God's hands. During World War II, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, found it hard to sleep or rid his mind of fear until he adopted these words from the hymn 'Lead, Kindly Light': 'I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me.' And God isn't going to let you see the distant scene either. No, He promises a lamp for your feet, not a crystal ball for your future. 'He leadeth me' and that's enough for today. And tomorrow?
'...we will find grace to help us when we need it...' (Hebrews 4:16 NLT).
Have a blessed and victorious day! ;o)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Camp Retreat - Labor Day
Hello everyone,
I forgot to post mine, so here it is to make it up.. This labor day weekend, i went to the retreat camp with the Mien church at Dobbins. The theme of the camp is "Call for Duty" 1 Corinthians 7:17 Let each person lead the life that the LORD has assigned to (you) and to which God has called (you). I felt like I can be related to this passage directly because whatever God has planned for us, it will be good. At the camp, I was invited to share a testomonial at the camp. You all know that i am not a shy person, but in front of everyone there, i don't really know anyone, i was so nervous so I skipped so many things that I prepared to share, so I am just going to write it all down in here. That night, Pastor Patt has given us the message and one of the sentence that stood out the most is "Anything is possible through God". That message stood out the most to me because it related to the testimonial that I was going to share. One of the reason that I believe in GOD is HE has done so much for me. During my community college 2nd year when everyone is getting ready to transfer to another school. My friends and I prepared so much to transfer. Compare to my friends, I consider myself the least smart ( not the most dumpest). Whenever I have questions, my friends always has an answers, but when we look at other ways, i wasn't the one who was always with the answer. My friends are almost 3.8 and up but I wasn't. One of my friend was a very anti religion. Everytime I tried to tell him about GOD, he would say something very science and smart that I can never say back to him. Sometimes it made me feels that I am such a bad Christian that can't even say something to prove him wrong. We both tried to get into UCB. In my mind, I already knew that I wasn't going to get in becuase UCB requires you to be a genious or someone who knows it all. I wasn't, my friend was. Like someone else who turns to GOD when they are in their lowest point, I pray to God and ask him to help me to get in the school so that I can make my parents proud. When the result came out, my friend did not get in so I didn't hope anything anymore. I did not even want to look at it. BUT i looked, i almost screamed when I saw it. I can't even believe it, i thought i was a mistake. "I GOT IN" The point of my story is not that I got in and my friend didn't. The point is "Anything is possible though GOD"
May God Bless You,
I forgot to post mine, so here it is to make it up.. This labor day weekend, i went to the retreat camp with the Mien church at Dobbins. The theme of the camp is "Call for Duty" 1 Corinthians 7:17 Let each person lead the life that the LORD has assigned to (you) and to which God has called (you). I felt like I can be related to this passage directly because whatever God has planned for us, it will be good. At the camp, I was invited to share a testomonial at the camp. You all know that i am not a shy person, but in front of everyone there, i don't really know anyone, i was so nervous so I skipped so many things that I prepared to share, so I am just going to write it all down in here. That night, Pastor Patt has given us the message and one of the sentence that stood out the most is "Anything is possible through God". That message stood out the most to me because it related to the testimonial that I was going to share. One of the reason that I believe in GOD is HE has done so much for me. During my community college 2nd year when everyone is getting ready to transfer to another school. My friends and I prepared so much to transfer. Compare to my friends, I consider myself the least smart ( not the most dumpest). Whenever I have questions, my friends always has an answers, but when we look at other ways, i wasn't the one who was always with the answer. My friends are almost 3.8 and up but I wasn't. One of my friend was a very anti religion. Everytime I tried to tell him about GOD, he would say something very science and smart that I can never say back to him. Sometimes it made me feels that I am such a bad Christian that can't even say something to prove him wrong. We both tried to get into UCB. In my mind, I already knew that I wasn't going to get in becuase UCB requires you to be a genious or someone who knows it all. I wasn't, my friend was. Like someone else who turns to GOD when they are in their lowest point, I pray to God and ask him to help me to get in the school so that I can make my parents proud. When the result came out, my friend did not get in so I didn't hope anything anymore. I did not even want to look at it. BUT i looked, i almost screamed when I saw it. I can't even believe it, i thought i was a mistake. "I GOT IN" The point of my story is not that I got in and my friend didn't. The point is "Anything is possible though GOD"
May God Bless You,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Beating Busyness - When We're Sidetracked From the Will of God
by Charles Stanley
Busyness is highly regarded in our society. Ambitious men and women are admired and rewarded for their dedicated focus on their careers. Mothers who juggle all their kids’ activities while caring for the home and pursuing an occupation are labeled “supermoms.” Overloaded students who run from school to sports to enrichment activities are promised bright futures for their efforts.
It seems that we have bought into this world’s value system and hopped on the “busy bandwagon,” hoping to find rich and meaningful lives. But how many of us fall into bed each night completely exhausted, only to get up the next day and start the race all over again?
Why Am I So Busy?
Maybe it’s time to step off our treadmills of endless activity, grab our Bibles, and sit down with the Lord for an honest time of self-examination. People overload their schedules for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the chief one is that we live in a fast-paced culture. There is simply more to do in one day than there is time to do it. Many of us feel overwhelmed by our hectic lifestyles yet don’t know how to slow down.
But some people with driven personalities actually thrive on overcommitment. They find great personal satisfaction in completing each task and are always eager to add more challenges to their day. Every accomplishment gives a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. Then, there are others who stay busy to avoid dealing with painful experiences or unconfessed sin. By keeping themselves active, they hope to silence the ache and emptiness within.
What Does God Think About Busyness?
Regardless of the reasons, we need to pause and consider what God thinks about our unceasing activity. By stepping back and viewing our lifestyles from His perspective, we can determine whether we are living according to His will or have gotten off track.
First of all, let me point out that being busy is not always a bad thing. God has entrusted each one of us with responsibilities, such as providing for our families, ministering at church, and serving the community. Although we are not to neglect these duties, we must guard against letting them push aside the most important things.
To determine what God considers top priority, let’s examine His purposes for mankind. He created us to enjoy a personal relationship with Him—to really know and love Him. He also planned specific tasks for us (Eph. 2:10). Christians usually refer to these individually designed responsibilities as “the will of God for your life.”
Knowing all this, we need to consider whether our busyness is helping or hindering us in fulfilling the Lord’s desires. Does your schedule include time for building a deep relationship with your Creator? How about your activities—are you doing the work God planned for you or just muddling along, unsure of what His will is? If you want a life that the Lord can bless and reward, take some time to evaluate your pursuits.
What Are the Consequences of Busyness?
Overcommitment damages our relationship with the Lord. Have you ever considered how your busy schedule makes God feel? He longs to have a close connection with us, but when our activities crowd Him out, His heart is grieved by our lack of interest.
Although an intimate relationship with Christ is available to every believer, each one has a responsibility to actively pursue it. To help us understand what this requires, let’s consider what it takes to destroy a relationship. That’s very simple: don’t meet with or talk to the other person.
Sadly, this is what many of us are doing when we let the things of this world take priority over time with God. The only way busy people will grow in relationship with the Father is by giving Him their most precious commodity—uninterrupted, unhurried time alone in His presence.
Even serving the Lord is not a substitute for quiet moments of intimate communication with Him. In Luke 10:38-42, we read that when Jesus dropped by to visit His good friends, “Martha was distracted with all her preparations,” but Mary “was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.” Although Martha was doing a good thing in serving Christ, she had lost sight of the best part—being still and listening to Him. As Christians, it’s easy to become so busy doing God’s work that we no longer have time for simply being with Him.
Busyness also keeps us from participating in God’s will. Remember, the Lord has personally designed specific tasks for believers to undertake during their stay on earth. However, there are two ways that we can miss what He has in mind for us to accomplish. First, if we are too busy to set aside a quiet time to seek the Lord’s direction for each day, we will have no idea whether we are doing what He wants. Second, if we are intent on achieving only our own plans, we will have no time for His.
Who is controlling your schedule? Have you let the values of the culture determine your agenda? God’s plans for you will never align with the plans of the world, which is Satan’s domain (2 Cor. 4:4) and managed according to his goals and values. Society’s influence is powerful, stimulating our desires and promising pleasures and rewards that seem irresistible. But if we fall for such lies, the world will dictate our activities and enslave us to unproductive busyness.
In addition, some people yield control of their agendas by letting others have too much influence over their choices. Since we are all inundated with requests for our time and energy, the ability to say no is invaluable. Not every opportunity is God’s will for you. That’s why staying connected to Him is so important—then you can discern His good and perfect will.
As strong as outside forces can be in contributing to a hectic lifestyle, self-will may be the biggest culprit. We all have this inner urge to be our own boss and determine our own schedule, but the only way to live in God’s will is to surrender our calendars into His hand. Just keep in mind that His plans are always good and perfect, which is much more than you can say about your own. Although the Lord’s plan may not be easy, you can know with certainty that following it will produce a sense of well-being and fruit that lasts throughout eternity.
What Is the Cost of My Busy Lifestyle?
The world believes that busy people are productive people, but this is not always true. From God’s perspective, busier does not necessarily mean more fruitful. Unless we are occupied with the tasks He has for us, our efforts will have no lasting value. After working our fingers to the bone, we could arrive in heaven only to discover that we’ve lost rewards because our time and energy were wasted on worthless activities (1 Cor. 3:10-15).
Busyness is a thief that steals precious opportunities to enjoy and serve God. It would be tragic to disobey the Lord and then wonder for the rest of our lives what He might have done in and through us. How much better to submit our time and plans to Him now and know the fulfillment that comes from accomplishing what we were created to do.
How Do I Get Off This Treadmill?
Many people feel trapped by the speed of life but see no way to slow down and escape the maddening pace of this world. Some basic biblical principles can guide us as we learn to say no to busyness and begin to live in the freedom of God’s will.
Become very familiar with Scripture. One of Satan’s most effective tactics to keep us entrapped is ignorance of God’s Word. If we are too busy to read the Bible, we will automatically follow the flow of our culture and spend our lives chasing after its hollow treasures. How can we make good choices if we never seek the Lord’s guidance? Only by knowing the truth will we be able to discern the Enemy’s lies and recognize his snares.
Wait on the Lord. This is a difficult assignment for a busy person, but rushing ahead without clear direction from God will put you right back on the treadmill—going nowhere fast. If you want to invest in that which is eternal, get your Bible and set aside time to be alone with the Father. Ask Him to evaluate your present activities and show you what He desires for your life.
Obey and leave the consequences to God. Once you have received clear direction from the Lord, step out in obedience. Our human tendency is to want the entire plan revealed before we move an inch, but that’s not God’s way. He says His Word is a lamp to our feet (Ps. 119:105), not a searchlight.
If your car was in a parking lot at night, you wouldn’t sit there waiting for the sun to come up so you could see all the way home. No, you would turn on the lights and drive in their beam without knowing what lies ahead in the darkness. In the same way, the will of God usually comes to us in small increments. After we take one step, He reveals the next.
The Lord’s goal is to teach us to trust Him for every step of our journey. One of the greatest advantages of such dependent obedience is the freedom of leaving the consequences to Him. Once we obey, He assumes full responsibility for what happens next. Because we can never lose when we are following in the will of God, there is no need to fear.
However, the moment you commit to follow the Lord by slowing your pace and doing things His way, Satan will shoot anxious thoughts into your mind: If I give God the first part of the day, how will I ever get everything done? If I take a less demanding job, how will I provide for my family and pay my bills? But by relying on the truth of Scripture, you will always have a powerful answer: “My job is to obey; God is responsible for the consequences. He is faithful and will provide.”
Although altering a busy lifestyle may not be easy, it’s worth the effort. The quest for acceptance, fulfillment, and purpose can drive us to overload our schedules. But the frenzy will end when we find the joy of an intimate relationship with Christ and the thrill of pursuing His will for our lives. Let’s get off the treadmill and go for a long walk with the Lord. The end result will be a life well lived.
Questions for Further Study
The Most Important Pursuit
■What is the most important pursuit in life (Jer. 9:23-24)?
■How did Jesus stay connected with His Father while He was on earth (Mark 1:35; Matt. 14:23)?
■Who determined His schedule of activities for each day (John 5:19-20, 30; 8:28-29)?
■Read Luke 10:38-42. Are you more like Mary or Martha?
■What did Jesus recommend as a remedy for weariness (Matt. 11:28-30)?
God’s Evaluation of Our Work
■What does James 4:13-17 say about planning presumptuously without giving thought to God’s purposes?
■According to Luke 8:11-15, how can preoccupation with the things of this life affect your fruitfulness (v. 14)?
■What was God’s assessment of a man who spent his life pursuing his own plans (Luke 12:16-21)?
■How will Christ determine whether your work has been productive or wasted (1 Cor. 3:10-15)?
Living in God’s Will
■How did Paul fulfill the Lord’s purpose for his life (Phil. 3:7-14; 2 Tim. 4:6-8)? What was the apostle’s highest priority and chief pursuit?
■According to Ephesians 2:10, what has the Lord planned for you? How can you discover His will for your life (Rom. 12:1-2)?
Busyness is highly regarded in our society. Ambitious men and women are admired and rewarded for their dedicated focus on their careers. Mothers who juggle all their kids’ activities while caring for the home and pursuing an occupation are labeled “supermoms.” Overloaded students who run from school to sports to enrichment activities are promised bright futures for their efforts.
It seems that we have bought into this world’s value system and hopped on the “busy bandwagon,” hoping to find rich and meaningful lives. But how many of us fall into bed each night completely exhausted, only to get up the next day and start the race all over again?
Why Am I So Busy?
Maybe it’s time to step off our treadmills of endless activity, grab our Bibles, and sit down with the Lord for an honest time of self-examination. People overload their schedules for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the chief one is that we live in a fast-paced culture. There is simply more to do in one day than there is time to do it. Many of us feel overwhelmed by our hectic lifestyles yet don’t know how to slow down.
But some people with driven personalities actually thrive on overcommitment. They find great personal satisfaction in completing each task and are always eager to add more challenges to their day. Every accomplishment gives a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. Then, there are others who stay busy to avoid dealing with painful experiences or unconfessed sin. By keeping themselves active, they hope to silence the ache and emptiness within.
What Does God Think About Busyness?
Regardless of the reasons, we need to pause and consider what God thinks about our unceasing activity. By stepping back and viewing our lifestyles from His perspective, we can determine whether we are living according to His will or have gotten off track.
First of all, let me point out that being busy is not always a bad thing. God has entrusted each one of us with responsibilities, such as providing for our families, ministering at church, and serving the community. Although we are not to neglect these duties, we must guard against letting them push aside the most important things.
To determine what God considers top priority, let’s examine His purposes for mankind. He created us to enjoy a personal relationship with Him—to really know and love Him. He also planned specific tasks for us (Eph. 2:10). Christians usually refer to these individually designed responsibilities as “the will of God for your life.”
Knowing all this, we need to consider whether our busyness is helping or hindering us in fulfilling the Lord’s desires. Does your schedule include time for building a deep relationship with your Creator? How about your activities—are you doing the work God planned for you or just muddling along, unsure of what His will is? If you want a life that the Lord can bless and reward, take some time to evaluate your pursuits.
What Are the Consequences of Busyness?
Overcommitment damages our relationship with the Lord. Have you ever considered how your busy schedule makes God feel? He longs to have a close connection with us, but when our activities crowd Him out, His heart is grieved by our lack of interest.
Although an intimate relationship with Christ is available to every believer, each one has a responsibility to actively pursue it. To help us understand what this requires, let’s consider what it takes to destroy a relationship. That’s very simple: don’t meet with or talk to the other person.
Sadly, this is what many of us are doing when we let the things of this world take priority over time with God. The only way busy people will grow in relationship with the Father is by giving Him their most precious commodity—uninterrupted, unhurried time alone in His presence.
Even serving the Lord is not a substitute for quiet moments of intimate communication with Him. In Luke 10:38-42, we read that when Jesus dropped by to visit His good friends, “Martha was distracted with all her preparations,” but Mary “was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.” Although Martha was doing a good thing in serving Christ, she had lost sight of the best part—being still and listening to Him. As Christians, it’s easy to become so busy doing God’s work that we no longer have time for simply being with Him.
Busyness also keeps us from participating in God’s will. Remember, the Lord has personally designed specific tasks for believers to undertake during their stay on earth. However, there are two ways that we can miss what He has in mind for us to accomplish. First, if we are too busy to set aside a quiet time to seek the Lord’s direction for each day, we will have no idea whether we are doing what He wants. Second, if we are intent on achieving only our own plans, we will have no time for His.
Who is controlling your schedule? Have you let the values of the culture determine your agenda? God’s plans for you will never align with the plans of the world, which is Satan’s domain (2 Cor. 4:4) and managed according to his goals and values. Society’s influence is powerful, stimulating our desires and promising pleasures and rewards that seem irresistible. But if we fall for such lies, the world will dictate our activities and enslave us to unproductive busyness.
In addition, some people yield control of their agendas by letting others have too much influence over their choices. Since we are all inundated with requests for our time and energy, the ability to say no is invaluable. Not every opportunity is God’s will for you. That’s why staying connected to Him is so important—then you can discern His good and perfect will.
As strong as outside forces can be in contributing to a hectic lifestyle, self-will may be the biggest culprit. We all have this inner urge to be our own boss and determine our own schedule, but the only way to live in God’s will is to surrender our calendars into His hand. Just keep in mind that His plans are always good and perfect, which is much more than you can say about your own. Although the Lord’s plan may not be easy, you can know with certainty that following it will produce a sense of well-being and fruit that lasts throughout eternity.
What Is the Cost of My Busy Lifestyle?
The world believes that busy people are productive people, but this is not always true. From God’s perspective, busier does not necessarily mean more fruitful. Unless we are occupied with the tasks He has for us, our efforts will have no lasting value. After working our fingers to the bone, we could arrive in heaven only to discover that we’ve lost rewards because our time and energy were wasted on worthless activities (1 Cor. 3:10-15).
Busyness is a thief that steals precious opportunities to enjoy and serve God. It would be tragic to disobey the Lord and then wonder for the rest of our lives what He might have done in and through us. How much better to submit our time and plans to Him now and know the fulfillment that comes from accomplishing what we were created to do.
How Do I Get Off This Treadmill?
Many people feel trapped by the speed of life but see no way to slow down and escape the maddening pace of this world. Some basic biblical principles can guide us as we learn to say no to busyness and begin to live in the freedom of God’s will.
Become very familiar with Scripture. One of Satan’s most effective tactics to keep us entrapped is ignorance of God’s Word. If we are too busy to read the Bible, we will automatically follow the flow of our culture and spend our lives chasing after its hollow treasures. How can we make good choices if we never seek the Lord’s guidance? Only by knowing the truth will we be able to discern the Enemy’s lies and recognize his snares.
Wait on the Lord. This is a difficult assignment for a busy person, but rushing ahead without clear direction from God will put you right back on the treadmill—going nowhere fast. If you want to invest in that which is eternal, get your Bible and set aside time to be alone with the Father. Ask Him to evaluate your present activities and show you what He desires for your life.
Obey and leave the consequences to God. Once you have received clear direction from the Lord, step out in obedience. Our human tendency is to want the entire plan revealed before we move an inch, but that’s not God’s way. He says His Word is a lamp to our feet (Ps. 119:105), not a searchlight.
If your car was in a parking lot at night, you wouldn’t sit there waiting for the sun to come up so you could see all the way home. No, you would turn on the lights and drive in their beam without knowing what lies ahead in the darkness. In the same way, the will of God usually comes to us in small increments. After we take one step, He reveals the next.
The Lord’s goal is to teach us to trust Him for every step of our journey. One of the greatest advantages of such dependent obedience is the freedom of leaving the consequences to Him. Once we obey, He assumes full responsibility for what happens next. Because we can never lose when we are following in the will of God, there is no need to fear.
However, the moment you commit to follow the Lord by slowing your pace and doing things His way, Satan will shoot anxious thoughts into your mind: If I give God the first part of the day, how will I ever get everything done? If I take a less demanding job, how will I provide for my family and pay my bills? But by relying on the truth of Scripture, you will always have a powerful answer: “My job is to obey; God is responsible for the consequences. He is faithful and will provide.”
Although altering a busy lifestyle may not be easy, it’s worth the effort. The quest for acceptance, fulfillment, and purpose can drive us to overload our schedules. But the frenzy will end when we find the joy of an intimate relationship with Christ and the thrill of pursuing His will for our lives. Let’s get off the treadmill and go for a long walk with the Lord. The end result will be a life well lived.
Questions for Further Study
The Most Important Pursuit
■What is the most important pursuit in life (Jer. 9:23-24)?
■How did Jesus stay connected with His Father while He was on earth (Mark 1:35; Matt. 14:23)?
■Who determined His schedule of activities for each day (John 5:19-20, 30; 8:28-29)?
■Read Luke 10:38-42. Are you more like Mary or Martha?
■What did Jesus recommend as a remedy for weariness (Matt. 11:28-30)?
God’s Evaluation of Our Work
■What does James 4:13-17 say about planning presumptuously without giving thought to God’s purposes?
■According to Luke 8:11-15, how can preoccupation with the things of this life affect your fruitfulness (v. 14)?
■What was God’s assessment of a man who spent his life pursuing his own plans (Luke 12:16-21)?
■How will Christ determine whether your work has been productive or wasted (1 Cor. 3:10-15)?
Living in God’s Will
■How did Paul fulfill the Lord’s purpose for his life (Phil. 3:7-14; 2 Tim. 4:6-8)? What was the apostle’s highest priority and chief pursuit?
■According to Ephesians 2:10, what has the Lord planned for you? How can you discover His will for your life (Rom. 12:1-2)?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
God's soldier.
Miracles, Miracles..we talk about them like its a joke sometimes. But what we know, don't realize, and take for granted is that everything around us is a miracle within itself. I just recently witnessed one of THEE biggest miracles anyone could probably witness and to prove that God is REAL, all too real.
Three months ago, I recieved a text message from one of my good old friends from high school, whom which we've kind of faded but through out the years, we've still managed to keep in touch here and there. But that's another story. The text message read something along the lines of :
"Hey, We just found out my brother is diagnosed with tumors in his brain. No exact cause or specific name for this "cancer" but the doctors said that he has 1-2 months to live. So if you are free, come over and celebrate the last few months/days of his life with us."
Excuse me? It's not everyday you recieve such a mindblowing text like that out of the blues. Not to mention her brother is ONLY 20years old and just had a son. Anyways, Me and the group of friends i used to hang out with in h.s. decided to support her and gave her and the family a visit. Walking into the house, you could just tell the family was devastated. Their family was just slowly falling deeper and deeper into depression..So bad the father actually slipped into depression and was taking medicine to help that. It was definitely a terrible story to hear. What was weird but very positive for the family was that, even though the brother was the one suffering and going through these emotional and physical pains, he was the MOST positive and strongest one in the family. He didn't act as if his days were numbered or wanted any pity. If she hadn't told us, we wouldn't have even noticed he had over 3+ tumors growing in his brain, making his eye sight go in and out, and another tumor growing in his spine. This "cancer" has been going on for about 2 years. There seemed to be no hope, but to pray, pray, and....pray.
I think this had gotten to be 2 -3 months ago, and just yesterday, I saw my friends facebook status proclaiming that her family had just gotten the BEST news this year. It was that they found out, 90% of the tumors are gone from the chemotherapy and he is to undergo one more surgery to remove the LAST tumor in his brain and the tumor growing in his spine. So hopefully everything will work out for the best of him and his family. He will also be a part of a research to hopefully find a cure for this type of "cancer".
When all hope seems to be lost, give EVERYTHING to God and he will take you under his wings.
So if you could keep my friend Erin, her brother Rich, and the rest of their family in your prayers through HOPEFULLY the last of these tumors, i'm sure, in no time...he will be "renewed like the eagles" and be a living witness of miracles, especially for his new born son.
Three months ago, I recieved a text message from one of my good old friends from high school, whom which we've kind of faded but through out the years, we've still managed to keep in touch here and there. But that's another story. The text message read something along the lines of :
"Hey, We just found out my brother is diagnosed with tumors in his brain. No exact cause or specific name for this "cancer" but the doctors said that he has 1-2 months to live. So if you are free, come over and celebrate the last few months/days of his life with us."
Excuse me? It's not everyday you recieve such a mindblowing text like that out of the blues. Not to mention her brother is ONLY 20years old and just had a son. Anyways, Me and the group of friends i used to hang out with in h.s. decided to support her and gave her and the family a visit. Walking into the house, you could just tell the family was devastated. Their family was just slowly falling deeper and deeper into depression..So bad the father actually slipped into depression and was taking medicine to help that. It was definitely a terrible story to hear. What was weird but very positive for the family was that, even though the brother was the one suffering and going through these emotional and physical pains, he was the MOST positive and strongest one in the family. He didn't act as if his days were numbered or wanted any pity. If she hadn't told us, we wouldn't have even noticed he had over 3+ tumors growing in his brain, making his eye sight go in and out, and another tumor growing in his spine. This "cancer" has been going on for about 2 years. There seemed to be no hope, but to pray, pray, and....pray.
I think this had gotten to be 2 -3 months ago, and just yesterday, I saw my friends facebook status proclaiming that her family had just gotten the BEST news this year. It was that they found out, 90% of the tumors are gone from the chemotherapy and he is to undergo one more surgery to remove the LAST tumor in his brain and the tumor growing in his spine. So hopefully everything will work out for the best of him and his family. He will also be a part of a research to hopefully find a cure for this type of "cancer".
Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,Who redeems your life from destruction,Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,Who satisfies your mouth with good things,So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalms 103: 2-5
When all hope seems to be lost, give EVERYTHING to God and he will take you under his wings.
So if you could keep my friend Erin, her brother Rich, and the rest of their family in your prayers through HOPEFULLY the last of these tumors, i'm sure, in no time...he will be "renewed like the eagles" and be a living witness of miracles, especially for his new born son.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hi Everyone!! i havnt been updating nor write on the blog for ages. hehehe.. how's everyone doing? just checking up on y'all... i guess this consider as a post. :D:D
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Maybe you all didn't know that I missed my week to post here. :D I did wrote something on MS word, but I can't copy, paste here. Mann... I'm so lazy to retype it here again, and it prevented me from posting here. I was sharing about how God blessed me at my work.
Last month, my job had an opening for lead position in production. Everyone who interested can apply for the job. The thought of applying didn't come across my mind. I wasn't going to apply. But my supervisor encouraged me to apply, and he even explained me about the job. I told him, I will think about it and let him know later. I was feeling "arr nar" and I thought, it's didn't hurt to apply. It was a difficult decision for me because I don't wanna cross the senior. I was only working in Medical device company for 6 months with no prior experence. I wasn't sure until last minute to apply. I was thinking, I always prayed God to guide me in this work, help me to do well, and make me the best at what I do. I put my job in God's hand. I was like is this God's will?
So.. I ended up applying.....
Don't get too excited!! I didn't get the job! I was interview with panel of 6 peoples, and the feed back are very good. My supervisor said all of them were very impressed and they see potential in me. So, even though I didn't get the job, I have to go through leadership training. If I do well, I can get the job. For me, I don't really want that position. But I put everything in God's hand, and I'm happy with the result.
Thanks God! and thanks to everyone who prayed for me at the time of interview!
May God Bless you all...
Last month, my job had an opening for lead position in production. Everyone who interested can apply for the job. The thought of applying didn't come across my mind. I wasn't going to apply. But my supervisor encouraged me to apply, and he even explained me about the job. I told him, I will think about it and let him know later. I was feeling "arr nar" and I thought, it's didn't hurt to apply. It was a difficult decision for me because I don't wanna cross the senior. I was only working in Medical device company for 6 months with no prior experence. I wasn't sure until last minute to apply. I was thinking, I always prayed God to guide me in this work, help me to do well, and make me the best at what I do. I put my job in God's hand. I was like is this God's will?
So.. I ended up applying.....
Don't get too excited!! I didn't get the job! I was interview with panel of 6 peoples, and the feed back are very good. My supervisor said all of them were very impressed and they see potential in me. So, even though I didn't get the job, I have to go through leadership training. If I do well, I can get the job. For me, I don't really want that position. But I put everything in God's hand, and I'm happy with the result.
Thanks God! and thanks to everyone who prayed for me at the time of interview!
May God Bless you all...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Trials and Tribulations
The reason I made the last post about sowing and reaping is because - just like everyone else - I face trials and tribulations from time to time, and mine is from home.
No matter how strong I'd try to make myself to be, my mother is my mother. She knows how to get to me and what hurts me the most. She knows what I'm vulnerable to, the sensitive topics, and how to speak to effectively cripple me, spiritually. It's like THE goal of her middle age life to get me out of church. She's not the easiest opponent to reckon with considering she used to preach when she was my age. Now she uses the bible against me. I'm normally tongue-tied, speechless, and defeated by her.
For one, she says, "Don't think I don't know what you're doing just because I'm not here. You go to this stupid church and waste all your time so you cannot get all A's for your classes. How can a University student be going out in the weekend, the whole day, when it's the only day you can study? Sometimes you even go to church 3-4 times a week. Don't lie! I've been to church. I know they have the prayer meeting, fellowship, bible study, whatever! You do it! You go all the way to Oakland spend all the money on gas and toll and even drive people around. Don't lie! Don't lie! I know what church is like! And you give all your money to church! Especially they're refugees!"
My first reaction is fury. Because it's not true! Well... not totally. Soon, the fury is turned on me. I was so angry at myself because I failed to glorify God. I feel like a ginormous failure! This is why:
True, most of the time, I went to church instead of studying. I would rather go to church if there is a revival, VBS, easter, christmas, new year, church cleanup, food fair, fundraising, camp, etc, than study for my exam or tests - most of the time. I see my spiritual investment to be way more profitable than carnal investment anyway! See, I give zero care to earthly rewards; I'm trying to build up my heavenly treasures! Of course, my Mom went berzerk when I childishly rebutted that they are all going to hell if they don't go to church. (By which I mean believing in Christ, etc.) It was like the best I could think to say at that moment. I am seriously not helping God's kingdom. Way to shine for God at my unbelieving household.
See, not caring for earthly rewards does not mean not studying or working hard in the world. I just realized it! In fact, it's working even harder than worldly people who seek worldy rewards!
See, even with the going-to-church-alot thing, I had time to study. I just had to work doubly hard compared to an unbelieving student. Maybe it means I have to sleep only 5 hours a day. Maybe it means I have to give up spending time on leisurely pleasures; Bye-bye Korean music. Instead, I always excuse myself for having completed an eventful day at church and reward myself at home by sleeping in or watching TV and sleeping some more.
It's like I can't even take a little suffering. I am so spoiled that I don't want to inconvenience myself a bit. Even if it is just once a week. I will NOT sleep less than 8 hrs. I will NOT eat bad food like a mere bun or quick to-go sandwich. I HAVE to cook a full meal with soup, vegetables, meat, and fruits, every meal. I just have to or I feel incomplete and cranky. These are just some examples of that many things I refuse to compromise. So I sow in these things, what do I reap?
What is my true desire? To glorify God. To live a godly life. So it just didn't make sense that I sow in indirect matters more than direct matters. Sure, sleep and eat are important but not THAT important when it comes to getting the work done.
I can definitely go to church as many times as God wants me to and still Ace my classes. Because I go to church for the living God who is just real! My problems are real and He sees it! He would have let me reap a hundred fold if I just had the faith to sow! If I have one more chance to go back to school, maybe for my CPA exam, I will fight a good fight of faith.
Meaning, I should sow not in my flesh! Why am I doing so? It just daunted on me so sharply when I was listening to Dr. Charles Stanley's sermon.
I'm not saying good sleep or good food is ungodly. I was trying to make a point. Listen to the sermon. God bless you.
PS: How fitting, bible verse of the day: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)
No matter how strong I'd try to make myself to be, my mother is my mother. She knows how to get to me and what hurts me the most. She knows what I'm vulnerable to, the sensitive topics, and how to speak to effectively cripple me, spiritually. It's like THE goal of her middle age life to get me out of church. She's not the easiest opponent to reckon with considering she used to preach when she was my age. Now she uses the bible against me. I'm normally tongue-tied, speechless, and defeated by her.
For one, she says, "Don't think I don't know what you're doing just because I'm not here. You go to this stupid church and waste all your time so you cannot get all A's for your classes. How can a University student be going out in the weekend, the whole day, when it's the only day you can study? Sometimes you even go to church 3-4 times a week. Don't lie! I've been to church. I know they have the prayer meeting, fellowship, bible study, whatever! You do it! You go all the way to Oakland spend all the money on gas and toll and even drive people around. Don't lie! Don't lie! I know what church is like! And you give all your money to church! Especially they're refugees!"
My first reaction is fury. Because it's not true! Well... not totally. Soon, the fury is turned on me. I was so angry at myself because I failed to glorify God. I feel like a ginormous failure! This is why:
True, most of the time, I went to church instead of studying. I would rather go to church if there is a revival, VBS, easter, christmas, new year, church cleanup, food fair, fundraising, camp, etc, than study for my exam or tests - most of the time. I see my spiritual investment to be way more profitable than carnal investment anyway! See, I give zero care to earthly rewards; I'm trying to build up my heavenly treasures! Of course, my Mom went berzerk when I childishly rebutted that they are all going to hell if they don't go to church. (By which I mean believing in Christ, etc.) It was like the best I could think to say at that moment. I am seriously not helping God's kingdom. Way to shine for God at my unbelieving household.
See, not caring for earthly rewards does not mean not studying or working hard in the world. I just realized it! In fact, it's working even harder than worldly people who seek worldy rewards!
See, even with the going-to-church-alot thing, I had time to study. I just had to work doubly hard compared to an unbelieving student. Maybe it means I have to sleep only 5 hours a day. Maybe it means I have to give up spending time on leisurely pleasures; Bye-bye Korean music. Instead, I always excuse myself for having completed an eventful day at church and reward myself at home by sleeping in or watching TV and sleeping some more.
It's like I can't even take a little suffering. I am so spoiled that I don't want to inconvenience myself a bit. Even if it is just once a week. I will NOT sleep less than 8 hrs. I will NOT eat bad food like a mere bun or quick to-go sandwich. I HAVE to cook a full meal with soup, vegetables, meat, and fruits, every meal. I just have to or I feel incomplete and cranky. These are just some examples of that many things I refuse to compromise. So I sow in these things, what do I reap?
What is my true desire? To glorify God. To live a godly life. So it just didn't make sense that I sow in indirect matters more than direct matters. Sure, sleep and eat are important but not THAT important when it comes to getting the work done.
I can definitely go to church as many times as God wants me to and still Ace my classes. Because I go to church for the living God who is just real! My problems are real and He sees it! He would have let me reap a hundred fold if I just had the faith to sow! If I have one more chance to go back to school, maybe for my CPA exam, I will fight a good fight of faith.
Meaning, I should sow not in my flesh! Why am I doing so? It just daunted on me so sharply when I was listening to Dr. Charles Stanley's sermon.
I'm not saying good sleep or good food is ungodly. I was trying to make a point. Listen to the sermon. God bless you.
PS: How fitting, bible verse of the day: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)
Monday, June 7, 2010
thoughts from visiting Kelly

Yesterday some of YAF members visited Kelly and I had a chance to meet Kelly's parents for the firstime after I have known her for 8 or 7 years! This made me realize that I have to develope deeper relationship with all the YAF members. I think we should start doing house visitation and get to know each other's family as I believe getting to know the family members is also part of developing deeper relationship.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Trust and Obey
Hi everybody,
I don't know what i have to write today and i was thinking what it is this opportunity God have give me and i can't let it go right so i like to share a few thing here, first of all i will like to thank God for what HE had done for me. Ever since i was in Burma i had a prayer that as long as i live i will try to live for God and after that prayer i see God had bless me with His's grace and mercy. i never thought i will be in US and doing what i like to do but God let me to see HIS Glory.the resent one is last year my Boss ask me if he give me a new operation how would i like? i never think twice i said Yes! i will try my best and i will learn to do my best than he said u got it. most of u guys know i have to move to San Jose Airport late of this July.
I know this is a big responsibility and i never think of one day i will be in charge of the whole operation by myself and this is what God had beaning bless me. I know myself i was nothing and i don't have that kind of knowledge to do this Project but the One i trust is can give me any kind of knowledge and all kind of wisdom. so i will like to encourage all of u just trust in God and live the way HE please the rest r come upon us. if u have doubt about what u believe my friend u can test it HE is a living GOD.
I don't know what i have to write today and i was thinking what it is this opportunity God have give me and i can't let it go right so i like to share a few thing here, first of all i will like to thank God for what HE had done for me. Ever since i was in Burma i had a prayer that as long as i live i will try to live for God and after that prayer i see God had bless me with His's grace and mercy. i never thought i will be in US and doing what i like to do but God let me to see HIS Glory.the resent one is last year my Boss ask me if he give me a new operation how would i like? i never think twice i said Yes! i will try my best and i will learn to do my best than he said u got it. most of u guys know i have to move to San Jose Airport late of this July.
I know this is a big responsibility and i never think of one day i will be in charge of the whole operation by myself and this is what God had beaning bless me. I know myself i was nothing and i don't have that kind of knowledge to do this Project but the One i trust is can give me any kind of knowledge and all kind of wisdom. so i will like to encourage all of u just trust in God and live the way HE please the rest r come upon us. if u have doubt about what u believe my friend u can test it HE is a living GOD.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sharing and prayer request
God work in mysterious way when it comes to life and I think he is teaching me something this time around with my accident. I’m leaning how to be patience, appreciate a simple thing in life like walking, appreciate my family and friends, I sometime take life for grandad and when those things are taken away it showed how blessed I am to have those things.
Last two weeks ago I was biking at golden gate park and fall from the downhill and injured my knee. At the time I couldn’t stand up or move my leg. I believe GOD sent me an angel as I was falling because someone out of no where come and give me an ice bag. Without that ice bag I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain I was feeling. I felt very graceful for a bag of ice. William called my little brother to come and pick me up. He is usually not at home on sat afternoon but he was on that day to come and pick me up and sent me to the SF general hospital ER.
I was at the ER from 3pm to 3:00 a.m. due to long wait because of lack of staffs and over crowed patients. As I was lying in the corner of some hospital wall for countless hours, God sent me a special person on my side. Will was patience enough to never once leave my side during my time of need. He kept giving me encouragements throughout the day as I was discouraged with the situations. My lovely family was worry and calling countless time to check how things are going. I learned that God blessed me with wonderful people around me and I felt so blessed to know them.
After X-ray, Dr. Said no broken bone and give me painkillers. I was given two strong medicine without anything food in my stomach for the whole day so, I vomited for at least more than 5 hrs and when my energies are gone I demanded to go home with a brace and crutches. I was instructed to do follow up if doesn’t get better.
One week has passed and I was still unable to walk, band my knee and still feeling sharp pain so I did the follow-up at the school clinic. A school nurse said she suspected that my ligament was torn and suggested to do MRI and surgery. The word surgery freaks me out! Without surgery it could take 6 months to a year to fully recover if those ligament are torn. She referred me back to general intense care for check up. Those doctor can’t tell what happening with me just by examines my knee so referred backs me again to Orthopedic this coming wed. Dr. told me when she examines me my patella was shifted in wrong place and it usually mean that ligament that holding patella is broken and surgery! I guess I’ll find out by this coming Wed to see what they’ll do with me. Two weeks without walking starting to freak me out but I know I should be putting my worry in GOD hand and keep praying for fast recovery.
Lu said God must be trying to say something to me. Maybe so because I been praying more than I ever did these two weeks. Please keep me in your prayer too..
Thanks for reading my very very long sharing and thanks for your time. :)
Last two weeks ago I was biking at golden gate park and fall from the downhill and injured my knee. At the time I couldn’t stand up or move my leg. I believe GOD sent me an angel as I was falling because someone out of no where come and give me an ice bag. Without that ice bag I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain I was feeling. I felt very graceful for a bag of ice. William called my little brother to come and pick me up. He is usually not at home on sat afternoon but he was on that day to come and pick me up and sent me to the SF general hospital ER.
I was at the ER from 3pm to 3:00 a.m. due to long wait because of lack of staffs and over crowed patients. As I was lying in the corner of some hospital wall for countless hours, God sent me a special person on my side. Will was patience enough to never once leave my side during my time of need. He kept giving me encouragements throughout the day as I was discouraged with the situations. My lovely family was worry and calling countless time to check how things are going. I learned that God blessed me with wonderful people around me and I felt so blessed to know them.
After X-ray, Dr. Said no broken bone and give me painkillers. I was given two strong medicine without anything food in my stomach for the whole day so, I vomited for at least more than 5 hrs and when my energies are gone I demanded to go home with a brace and crutches. I was instructed to do follow up if doesn’t get better.
One week has passed and I was still unable to walk, band my knee and still feeling sharp pain so I did the follow-up at the school clinic. A school nurse said she suspected that my ligament was torn and suggested to do MRI and surgery. The word surgery freaks me out! Without surgery it could take 6 months to a year to fully recover if those ligament are torn. She referred me back to general intense care for check up. Those doctor can’t tell what happening with me just by examines my knee so referred backs me again to Orthopedic this coming wed. Dr. told me when she examines me my patella was shifted in wrong place and it usually mean that ligament that holding patella is broken and surgery! I guess I’ll find out by this coming Wed to see what they’ll do with me. Two weeks without walking starting to freak me out but I know I should be putting my worry in GOD hand and keep praying for fast recovery.
Lu said God must be trying to say something to me. Maybe so because I been praying more than I ever did these two weeks. Please keep me in your prayer too..
Thanks for reading my very very long sharing and thanks for your time. :)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Graduation Next Saturday, May 22nd
Hello all, Lia Lian has some problems logging in so I promised him I would post instead.

Praise God cause I've finally graduated. My graduation is upcoming May 22nd, which is next Saturday.
I'd like to invite all to come join me and my family at my school.
The thing is this. It's gonna be super boring. I don't even want to be there but since this is something I have to do and my family insists, I want to invite you too. But you don't have to come because like I'm warning you now, it's super boring.
Another thing is this. There are two ceremonies.
1) 11am-3pm is the big one for everyone, all majors. Not gonna walk on stage. But I'm going just to take pictures and be part of the buzz because it's early in the day and the sun is bright, hopefully.
2) 4pm-6pm is the accounting department one. I'm gonna walk on stage, gonna get my name read, take picture, etc. But each guest have to pay $12 and I have to book in advance. Super troublesome and rip off considering I pay international student fees.
Just showing up 5 mins any time of the day will make me a beaming graduate. I'll be there from 11-6.
THANK YOU. I'll tty guys more in details in person. Hopefully, my house will have a feast for dinner that day.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I am 90% sure me and my family will attend the 11am-4pm graduation ceremony which is free for everybody. Please join me if you will and come eat mote hin gar at my house after that. Just come eat if you are not free in the day time. GOD BLESS!
Praise God cause I've finally graduated. My graduation is upcoming May 22nd, which is next Saturday.
I'd like to invite all to come join me and my family at my school.
The thing is this. It's gonna be super boring. I don't even want to be there but since this is something I have to do and my family insists, I want to invite you too. But you don't have to come because like I'm warning you now, it's super boring.
Another thing is this. There are two ceremonies.
1) 11am-3pm is the big one for everyone, all majors. Not gonna walk on stage. But I'm going just to take pictures and be part of the buzz because it's early in the day and the sun is bright, hopefully.
2) 4pm-6pm is the accounting department one. I'm gonna walk on stage, gonna get my name read, take picture, etc. But each guest have to pay $12 and I have to book in advance. Super troublesome and rip off considering I pay international student fees.
Just showing up 5 mins any time of the day will make me a beaming graduate. I'll be there from 11-6.
THANK YOU. I'll tty guys more in details in person. Hopefully, my house will have a feast for dinner that day.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I am 90% sure me and my family will attend the 11am-4pm graduation ceremony which is free for everybody. Please join me if you will and come eat mote hin gar at my house after that. Just come eat if you are not free in the day time. GOD BLESS!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!!!!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!!!!
Tribute to my Grandma: She is the mother of my mom and my spiritual leader. Although we didn’t live together all the time, she always visits to us every summer when we were in Burma. I saw her reading Bible and Daily Bread every afternoon and I thought it was boring to read those. And I didn’t understand why she read those everyday. Truly, her faith leads me to love and trust God. She is a strong and brave Karen woman. There is nothing she cannot handle. She once told me to date with a Kachin boy from Church because she worried that I would date someone who doesn’t have strong faith and gone astray from God. Well… I did what you told me, Grandma. I dated a Kachin boy from Church and married him, but just not the same one you asked me to date… :)
I haven’t seen her for more than a decade. Hope to go see her this year if God’s willing.
My other Grandma, who’s from my dad’s side, left Burma when I was a baby. I knew her through the pictures. I never had a chance to talk to her, but I thank her for my wonderful dad.
Tribute to my Grandma: She is the mother of my mom and my spiritual leader. Although we didn’t live together all the time, she always visits to us every summer when we were in Burma. I saw her reading Bible and Daily Bread every afternoon and I thought it was boring to read those. And I didn’t understand why she read those everyday. Truly, her faith leads me to love and trust God. She is a strong and brave Karen woman. There is nothing she cannot handle. She once told me to date with a Kachin boy from Church because she worried that I would date someone who doesn’t have strong faith and gone astray from God. Well… I did what you told me, Grandma. I dated a Kachin boy from Church and married him, but just not the same one you asked me to date… :)
I haven’t seen her for more than a decade. Hope to go see her this year if God’s willing.
My other Grandma, who’s from my dad’s side, left Burma when I was a baby. I knew her through the pictures. I never had a chance to talk to her, but I thank her for my wonderful dad.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Happy Mother's day

i just want to give some testimony about my mom.. well she's a sweet person and loving. I remember in the bible it says that whenever a son asks something from the parent, the parent will give anything a son asks for. Just like when we ask something from God.
Well, there was one time me and my mom went somewhere i don't remember.. but we ended up at KFC.. That time i was still new in America and i cannot speak English. I felt like eating KFC, so i asked my mom, she said ok let's go.. then we went inside KFC. We were in the line and it was our turn to order. Me and my mom looked at each other, i asked my mom what she wanted to eat and she said "IDK," me also don't know HOW to order.. we looked at each other... and then we left! without eating!
I love my mom.. many of my friends came over to my house, they all praise my mom. they like my mom and they say that she is the kindest mom and they want my mom to be their mom. I felt like sometimes i don't do what she wants me to do, and i talk to her without respect. In the bible also, teaches us to respect our parents.. but sometimes it's hard for me to follow. So in this mother's day or any other day, i will try to be a better son for her.
She took care of me ever since i was born untill now.. she raised 3 children and there was a time when my dad got laid off, so she also take care of my dad.. it's basically like she's got 4 children, but i never heard any complaint from her and she learned some new English words from school "I'm Tired." hahaha
Well, there was one time me and my mom went somewhere i don't remember.. but we ended up at KFC.. That time i was still new in America and i cannot speak English. I felt like eating KFC, so i asked my mom, she said ok let's go.. then we went inside KFC. We were in the line and it was our turn to order. Me and my mom looked at each other, i asked my mom what she wanted to eat and she said "IDK," me also don't know HOW to order.. we looked at each other... and then we left! without eating!
I love my mom.. many of my friends came over to my house, they all praise my mom. they like my mom and they say that she is the kindest mom and they want my mom to be their mom. I felt like sometimes i don't do what she wants me to do, and i talk to her without respect. In the bible also, teaches us to respect our parents.. but sometimes it's hard for me to follow. So in this mother's day or any other day, i will try to be a better son for her.
She took care of me ever since i was born untill now.. she raised 3 children and there was a time when my dad got laid off, so she also take care of my dad.. it's basically like she's got 4 children, but i never heard any complaint from her and she learned some new English words from school "I'm Tired." hahaha
Sunday, May 2, 2010
oops am i too late?
... i know, i "late" for this week.. according to TN. haha but technically i have a couple more hours left till im overdue...ive just been thinking of something eggziteful to blog..since maemae set such a high bar..but luckily to my surprise i found something eggziting and has been on my mind this weekend that i thought i could share with you... By the way this is em, if youre wondering who alergicreactions is..
This year has been a pretty good year, no wait, a GREAT year compared to for as things going well for me..I think i've noticed that things get better when i actually pick the bible up and actually pray with meaning before the day ends for me...but just for kicks and experiments plus being busy with school..i didnt pick up the bible for about a good 3-4 weeks, only for sunday school use but i just used material from previous readings and just went over them with the kids..Boy, i realized that within those three weeks, lot of negative things happened for the worse. I think my friendship with God is a relationship where we're pretty close now that he always wants me talkin to him and updating him (he is a jealous God afterall)! So for those three weeks i didnt pick up my bible and indulge myself in his wisdom and intently pray and update him with my personal life, he got a bit jealous and showed me well that i was goin down the wrong road. This week, ive been thinking a lot on how everything has been put together for me and how school is really beginning to stress me out. I thought to myself why again? why these constant annoying feelings of fear and anxiety attacks? I realized that it was because i began to fall away from God, ...oh the tempations! So i got back home to my parents house this weekend, and before i slept, i thought about how everything has been since the beginning of my relationship with my bff God and the many abundant blessings he has blessed me with through all the troubled times. Thanks to my handy dandy new phone with my handy dandy bible application, i search "strength" and all i have to say is that God works miracles and he is sooo real.. because he led me to find Psalms 73 at the PERFECT time. heres the link to it.
this is only a part of it that stood out to me, but check out the rest..
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;I had nearly lost my foothold. 3 For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. 4 They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. 5 They are free from the burdens common to man;they are not plagued by human ills. 6 Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. 7 From their callous hearts comes iniquity the evil conceits of their minds know no limits. 8 They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. 9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.
This applies to me so very well along with the whole psalms 73 but i didnt want to post it all up here cause this is a novel long blog entry, but it fits everything thats going on during my crazy college life full of ups and downs..Temptations are horrible, yet if we didnt have them we would never learn from our mistakes and mature.. anyway i dont want to put any more pressure on your precious eyes. but i just basically wanna say that God really has been blessing me with the craziest things i never would have expected and that without him we ARE NADA SNADDAS! (nothing), so step your game up!
This year has been a pretty good year, no wait, a GREAT year compared to for as things going well for me..I think i've noticed that things get better when i actually pick the bible up and actually pray with meaning before the day ends for me...but just for kicks and experiments plus being busy with school..i didnt pick up the bible for about a good 3-4 weeks, only for sunday school use but i just used material from previous readings and just went over them with the kids..Boy, i realized that within those three weeks, lot of negative things happened for the worse. I think my friendship with God is a relationship where we're pretty close now that he always wants me talkin to him and updating him (he is a jealous God afterall)! So for those three weeks i didnt pick up my bible and indulge myself in his wisdom and intently pray and update him with my personal life, he got a bit jealous and showed me well that i was goin down the wrong road. This week, ive been thinking a lot on how everything has been put together for me and how school is really beginning to stress me out. I thought to myself why again? why these constant annoying feelings of fear and anxiety attacks? I realized that it was because i began to fall away from God, ...oh the tempations! So i got back home to my parents house this weekend, and before i slept, i thought about how everything has been since the beginning of my relationship with my bff God and the many abundant blessings he has blessed me with through all the troubled times. Thanks to my handy dandy new phone with my handy dandy bible application, i search "strength" and all i have to say is that God works miracles and he is sooo real.. because he led me to find Psalms 73 at the PERFECT time. heres the link to it.
this is only a part of it that stood out to me, but check out the rest..
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;I had nearly lost my foothold. 3 For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. 4 They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. 5 They are free from the burdens common to man;they are not plagued by human ills. 6 Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. 7 From their callous hearts comes iniquity the evil conceits of their minds know no limits. 8 They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. 9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.
This applies to me so very well along with the whole psalms 73 but i didnt want to post it all up here cause this is a novel long blog entry, but it fits everything thats going on during my crazy college life full of ups and downs..Temptations are horrible, yet if we didnt have them we would never learn from our mistakes and mature.. anyway i dont want to put any more pressure on your precious eyes. but i just basically wanna say that God really has been blessing me with the craziest things i never would have expected and that without him we ARE NADA SNADDAS! (nothing), so step your game up!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Long Awaited....
This is the first time I have ever really posted anything for anyone to read when it comes to my private thoughts. To be honest I really haven't been reading any of the blogs unless there were lame, I know. I always found it kinda awkward in the sense that who would want to read my thoughts, people are consumed enough already in their own lives. But here I am blogging...haha.
So as you all know, last two weekends ago was our skit "Secret Heart." Like any other skit we have ever performed, I had full intention of not being a big role on stage. But also like every other skit, my intentions were thwarted. I thought I had an out especially when I heard in the meeting that the drama may possibly be on March 27. I thought "lovely! I will not be in town." However God surprised me and said no child the drama will be two weeks later. I was alittle disappointed because I knew that Saya and Aunty Jae had big plans for me. Not to say I don't like helping them, it's just, know how it goes so I will not elaborate. Anyways, to my surprise Saya Lone Wah asked me to help out with the costumes and be a background roaming person. I LOVED this idea. What was even better was that towards the last week before the show, I was no longer needed on stage but backstage and as a narrator, MY FAVORITE! I really had no idea the depth of my responsibilities for this play. Although there were times I was quite frustrated when it came to getting the costumes together, I don't think I truly understood my role. I took my role lightly until a good friend came back stage and said some things along the lines of how much I was needed. The good friend was obviously joking, being sarcastic or just wanting something in return but he made me realize how important every one's role was. I realized that God parted my schedule like the Red Sea so that I would be available. Of course the realization also hit me when Saya Lone Wah was yelling at me backstage to "SAY SOMETHING." I nearly fainted when he put me on the spot. I looked at Aung Shwe with fear in my eyes but God said don't be afraid and sent Aunty Cynthia to my aid. THANK YOU GOD!
Without everyone in the play, it would have not reached the greatness it did. From the lights, to the sounds, to the props, to the wonderful, eager actors and actresses. All of it mattered and every one of them inspired me to be who I was. I was extremely proud to be a part of their lives. I was genuinely moved by the last scene, NEARLY bringing a tear to my eye. I then realized my "secret heart." I was not able to say this to everyone but good job everyone, I am proud to be an OBMBC member.
So those are my thoughts, I hope I did not bore you. There are some personal things I left out but again, this blogging thing is alittle too personal and new for me. See you all soon, as someone dear to me would say, "my 3.5ers!"
So as you all know, last two weekends ago was our skit "Secret Heart." Like any other skit we have ever performed, I had full intention of not being a big role on stage. But also like every other skit, my intentions were thwarted. I thought I had an out especially when I heard in the meeting that the drama may possibly be on March 27. I thought "lovely! I will not be in town." However God surprised me and said no child the drama will be two weeks later. I was alittle disappointed because I knew that Saya and Aunty Jae had big plans for me. Not to say I don't like helping them, it's just, know how it goes so I will not elaborate. Anyways, to my surprise Saya Lone Wah asked me to help out with the costumes and be a background roaming person. I LOVED this idea. What was even better was that towards the last week before the show, I was no longer needed on stage but backstage and as a narrator, MY FAVORITE! I really had no idea the depth of my responsibilities for this play. Although there were times I was quite frustrated when it came to getting the costumes together, I don't think I truly understood my role. I took my role lightly until a good friend came back stage and said some things along the lines of how much I was needed. The good friend was obviously joking, being sarcastic or just wanting something in return but he made me realize how important every one's role was. I realized that God parted my schedule like the Red Sea so that I would be available. Of course the realization also hit me when Saya Lone Wah was yelling at me backstage to "SAY SOMETHING." I nearly fainted when he put me on the spot. I looked at Aung Shwe with fear in my eyes but God said don't be afraid and sent Aunty Cynthia to my aid. THANK YOU GOD!
Without everyone in the play, it would have not reached the greatness it did. From the lights, to the sounds, to the props, to the wonderful, eager actors and actresses. All of it mattered and every one of them inspired me to be who I was. I was extremely proud to be a part of their lives. I was genuinely moved by the last scene, NEARLY bringing a tear to my eye. I then realized my "secret heart." I was not able to say this to everyone but good job everyone, I am proud to be an OBMBC member.
So those are my thoughts, I hope I did not bore you. There are some personal things I left out but again, this blogging thing is alittle too personal and new for me. See you all soon, as someone dear to me would say, "my 3.5ers!"
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Just wanna share something
Hello everyone,
I’ve been waiting so long for my turn to post here. Finally, I get a chance to post this week…hee hee…just kidding…this is my first time posting on this blog. I have no idea what topic to share. At first, I was thinking to post just some photos that I took on Easter drama. Now, I’ve something in my mind to say about myself.
Most of the YAF members already know me since we’ve been hanging out together for along time. Some of you may think I am a good person or some may not. I am sure there is one thing about my personality that you might not know yet.
In these days, I’ve been thinking about myself that am I really showing a good example in front of other people? Am I really behaving well to others? Am I seem to ignore to a person next to me? All kind of thoughts are stuck in my mind. As I think of myself, I become to see that I’m a person so easily to get mad and bad-tempered on someone or on a certain thing that I do. Sometime, I happen to yell to other instead of suppose to say calmly and properly. And I fail to express my appreciation to someone who did a good thing to me even though I do appreciate in my mind. I also just do the way I want without considering other person’s feeling or take suggestion. These are the things that I can think of myself for now. There may be more bad things about me that I didn’t noticed.
I realize that all these things happen because of my selfishness. I only focus on myself and always compare to other with my standard without acknowledging theirs. Most of the time when I’m getting mad, I only mad no longer than half an hour or so and calm down quickly but still, it is not a good manner. Some of you may be offended because of my behavior even though I did not intend to. What I want to say is I am not a perfect person as I live. Also, I am not righteous at all. I need Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in my life and Holy Spirit in my daily life to guide me through so that I can be a good living sacrifice to others. I know that only in Him, I can be a righteous person and can be glorify His name. Being a Christian with a bad manner will be far more miserable than a non-Christian.
I’m sure that God is the only person can change me. As describes in Psalm139:23-24, I pray that “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
So, please be patient with me and I wanted to apologize if I hurt anyone of you with my bad behavior. I will pay more attention to you and be nice to you from now on.
I urge you to continue pray for me as I’m praying for you as well.
May God bless you all…
I’ve been waiting so long for my turn to post here. Finally, I get a chance to post this week…hee hee…just kidding…this is my first time posting on this blog. I have no idea what topic to share. At first, I was thinking to post just some photos that I took on Easter drama. Now, I’ve something in my mind to say about myself.
Most of the YAF members already know me since we’ve been hanging out together for along time. Some of you may think I am a good person or some may not. I am sure there is one thing about my personality that you might not know yet.
In these days, I’ve been thinking about myself that am I really showing a good example in front of other people? Am I really behaving well to others? Am I seem to ignore to a person next to me? All kind of thoughts are stuck in my mind. As I think of myself, I become to see that I’m a person so easily to get mad and bad-tempered on someone or on a certain thing that I do. Sometime, I happen to yell to other instead of suppose to say calmly and properly. And I fail to express my appreciation to someone who did a good thing to me even though I do appreciate in my mind. I also just do the way I want without considering other person’s feeling or take suggestion. These are the things that I can think of myself for now. There may be more bad things about me that I didn’t noticed.
I realize that all these things happen because of my selfishness. I only focus on myself and always compare to other with my standard without acknowledging theirs. Most of the time when I’m getting mad, I only mad no longer than half an hour or so and calm down quickly but still, it is not a good manner. Some of you may be offended because of my behavior even though I did not intend to. What I want to say is I am not a perfect person as I live. Also, I am not righteous at all. I need Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in my life and Holy Spirit in my daily life to guide me through so that I can be a good living sacrifice to others. I know that only in Him, I can be a righteous person and can be glorify His name. Being a Christian with a bad manner will be far more miserable than a non-Christian.
I’m sure that God is the only person can change me. As describes in Psalm139:23-24, I pray that “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
So, please be patient with me and I wanted to apologize if I hurt anyone of you with my bad behavior. I will pay more attention to you and be nice to you from now on.
I urge you to continue pray for me as I’m praying for you as well.
May God bless you all…
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"Little Lamp" Website Is Ready
Visitors can download/view lyrics in .jpg, .docx, .pdf and .ppt.
Also, preview songs on YouTube and indabamusic.
Dear YAF, for those who have good pictures related to the songs, production, the person who wrote/sang them, please input them in related posts.
Like for example, I want to put pretty pictures of Aw Lay and Lu Aung, individual shots. ETC. Be creative on the site. Thanks so much. And God bless.
Visitors can download/view lyrics in .jpg, .docx, .pdf and .ppt.
Also, preview songs on YouTube and indabamusic.
Dear YAF, for those who have good pictures related to the songs, production, the person who wrote/sang them, please input them in related posts.
Like for example, I want to put pretty pictures of Aw Lay and Lu Aung, individual shots. ETC. Be creative on the site. Thanks so much. And God bless.
Monday, March 15, 2010
To Mr. Hacker
Mr. Hacker,

The place that you hijack was very special place for most of us ...
Our life and our time were recorded there ...
More importantly ... It was our calling ... and our ministry ...
I hope you don't celebrate your work too early ...
Because, you really wake me up!
And you know what?
I am not alone ...
You made a big hole in our heart ... and it's painful ...
Because it seemed we lost it all ... and may be we never get it back ...
But we won't hate you ... and we won't give it up neither ...
If you have time ... please have a look each pictures and each sites that you blocked in ...
It's real people ...
It's real story ...
And if you look carefully ....
All of them are saying one thing, "God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, whoever believes Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
You will see us very soon ...
By then you will find us more stronger and more wiser and even a lot more gracious ...
one of 3.5 OBMBC
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sharing and Updating
Dear all,
How have you all been doing lately? I know that I have been so busy with my school since this semester begin and I haven’t really have a chance to talk to my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ like I used to before. We all have been busy with our own stuff and sometimes we don’t even know what has been going on in our life. Communication is my weakness and especially starting this semester, I didn’t even have a chance to use computer for the social stuff such as IM and FB. Some of you may even think that I am shutting them down, please forgive me if I make you feel this way. I have no intention of doing so, I love you all!! :) Most of all, I felt really bad and guilty that sometimes I keep forgetting HIM as I busy in this temporary life. When I don’t need Him, I easily forget Him. However, at the end of the day or at the end of the road, He is always drawing me back and I am so thankful for that. I’m not quite sure what it is that draws me to Him again and again. Maybe I cannot resist a God that loves me for who I am – a sinner, indecisive, moody, emotional, selfish, prone to temptation and not perfect at all. There are so many times that I have been reminded myself that it is a hope and a future HE gives. Yes! Our Maker loves us. Our awesome GOD never leaves us alone even in our darkest time. And also I am so blessed to have all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys have been my inspiration in one way or another. Lets us all put God in the center of our life and server Him hand in hand. Yeah? =)
Here is my quick update of what’s going on in my life. As some of you may know that I have to move the house last week. Well not me, my family, I have been here in SJ last weekend coz I have a midterm, so they moved everything. I just packed some of my stuff as much as I can last two week before they moved. Finally, I can be able to go back to SF this weekend. However, I don’t know if I can be able to come to church this week since I have to unpack all of my stuff and helping my mom cleaning the house and arranging the stuff.
Since I might not be able to come to church this week and I noticed that this week is our yaf meeting, I would like to share one bible versus I read last night “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Recently, I couldn’t make decision about this research internship that offered, whether I should really apply or not. So I have been praying to God and asking for His guidance and I found this bible versus helps. It is really important to pray for guidance from God before we choose with our own understanding and to make a decision. Hope this bible versus helps for those of you who have been in dilemma situation (such as finding a new job, choosing a school, changing work, etc...)
May God be with you all and have a blessed day.
How have you all been doing lately? I know that I have been so busy with my school since this semester begin and I haven’t really have a chance to talk to my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ like I used to before. We all have been busy with our own stuff and sometimes we don’t even know what has been going on in our life. Communication is my weakness and especially starting this semester, I didn’t even have a chance to use computer for the social stuff such as IM and FB. Some of you may even think that I am shutting them down, please forgive me if I make you feel this way. I have no intention of doing so, I love you all!! :) Most of all, I felt really bad and guilty that sometimes I keep forgetting HIM as I busy in this temporary life. When I don’t need Him, I easily forget Him. However, at the end of the day or at the end of the road, He is always drawing me back and I am so thankful for that. I’m not quite sure what it is that draws me to Him again and again. Maybe I cannot resist a God that loves me for who I am – a sinner, indecisive, moody, emotional, selfish, prone to temptation and not perfect at all. There are so many times that I have been reminded myself that it is a hope and a future HE gives. Yes! Our Maker loves us. Our awesome GOD never leaves us alone even in our darkest time. And also I am so blessed to have all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys have been my inspiration in one way or another. Lets us all put God in the center of our life and server Him hand in hand. Yeah? =)
Here is my quick update of what’s going on in my life. As some of you may know that I have to move the house last week. Well not me, my family, I have been here in SJ last weekend coz I have a midterm, so they moved everything. I just packed some of my stuff as much as I can last two week before they moved. Finally, I can be able to go back to SF this weekend. However, I don’t know if I can be able to come to church this week since I have to unpack all of my stuff and helping my mom cleaning the house and arranging the stuff.
Since I might not be able to come to church this week and I noticed that this week is our yaf meeting, I would like to share one bible versus I read last night “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Recently, I couldn’t make decision about this research internship that offered, whether I should really apply or not. So I have been praying to God and asking for His guidance and I found this bible versus helps. It is really important to pray for guidance from God before we choose with our own understanding and to make a decision. Hope this bible versus helps for those of you who have been in dilemma situation (such as finding a new job, choosing a school, changing work, etc...)
May God be with you all and have a blessed day.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thank You, Lord
So, we heard the news about Aung Shwe being sick and at Hospital. We visited him yesterday. Well Well Well…he seem so much better in one day and no more operation. Although I didn’t see him at the first day, I heard from Ko Lawrence and Khawnbu that he was suffering from pain and they might do the operation on him. Our prayers got answered. Thank you, Lord. (The note from his room says 2 visitors per patient. Total of 20 people -- including Lillian and Roselyn -- visited him at one time ;) )
Thet Min Zaw said he is feeling better from flu. Thank you, Lord.
I woke up this morning with fever and body ache. Now I’m at work and feeling a lot better. Thank you, Lord.
It’s a new month, a new day… Thank you, Lord for giving us this beautiful day.
Praise the Lord for HE is good. And please continue to pray for them to have complete recovery.
Here are the photos from yesterday.

Thet Min Zaw said he is feeling better from flu. Thank you, Lord.
I woke up this morning with fever and body ache. Now I’m at work and feeling a lot better. Thank you, Lord.
It’s a new month, a new day… Thank you, Lord for giving us this beautiful day.
Praise the Lord for HE is good. And please continue to pray for them to have complete recovery.
Here are the photos from yesterday.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Have you ever encountered people who hurt you emotionally or physically? I have. It is so tempting to retaliate. Or you do not want to forgive them for what they have done to you. However, the Bible teaches us to forgive them. In 1 Peter 3:9, it says, "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called...". As believers in Christ Jesus, retaliation should not be an option. When a verse in the Bible says something like "you were called", we believers are supposed to live the life style mentioned. God have purpose and plan for each individual of us. I believe that retaliation and unforgiveness will deviate us from the path that God have for our lives. Romans 12:19 strongly states, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "it is mine to avenge: I will repay".". If you continue to read in this chapter, it teaches us to treat even our enemies nicely. How can will we forgive someone who treated and hurt us badly? We need strength from God. I believe when we ask God for help to forgive the person, the strength will come from the Holy Spirit. All of us are familiar with the verse Philippians 4:13 that God will give us strength to be able to do anyting. If we want to live for God's plan and purpose for our lives, we need to forgive.
Friday, February 19, 2010
What to Blog Here
Now that we have volunteers to post regularly on our website, I want to give everyone some idea of what to post here.
It can be anything. "Anything" is not easy as it sounds. Example:
Boyfriend: "Babe, what do you want to drink?"
Girlfriend: "Anything."
Boyfriend: ".........."
Sometimes you'd really rather have them tell you what exactly it is that they want to eat. This is our follower mentality. Doing as told.
These are the usual stuff we post here:
1) Events
2) Birthdays
3) Videos/Photos
4) Testimonials
5) Songs
They are all great. I encourage everyone to keep posting them.
In addition to these categories, maybe we can get a little creative. Surprise oursevles. Shock us. Our hearts can handle it. We're young adults after all. :)
The bible says, out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak. So why don't we all just write what's in our hearts? Maybe...
1) "10 Things You Didn't Know About Me" - or any quiz you feel like doing
2) A riddle you made for us to solve - reward us too please!
3) Bible trivias - You can just copy-paste! It doesn't get easier!
4) Personal diary - what have you been doing lately?
5) A topical blog - about a certain topic, health tips, etc
6) Reviews - Book, sermon, movies, our own drama performances/CD, etc
7) Favorite things - hobbies, bible verses
8) Wish list - maybe you can get some granted by us! :D
9) Requests - prayer, job, anything! We're like freelancers! HAHA
10) How To's - I really wouldn't mind if some of you taught me how to cook LOL... seriously, you guys LOVE to take pictures of your food (YEAH i saw them on YA facebooks!!! :D) so why not just take the process as well and compile a very easy recipe blog post! You can attract outside visitors too!
I realize I can go on forever. But you get the drill.
Happy posting. :)))))
Boyfriend: "Ok, I got you water."
Girlfriend: "Hmmmm.. but I want juice~~~~~~~"
Boyfriend: ".........."
It can be anything. "Anything" is not easy as it sounds. Example:
Boyfriend: "Babe, what do you want to drink?"
Girlfriend: "Anything."
Boyfriend: ".........."
Sometimes you'd really rather have them tell you what exactly it is that they want to eat. This is our follower mentality. Doing as told.
These are the usual stuff we post here:
1) Events
2) Birthdays
3) Videos/Photos
4) Testimonials
5) Songs
They are all great. I encourage everyone to keep posting them.
In addition to these categories, maybe we can get a little creative. Surprise oursevles. Shock us. Our hearts can handle it. We're young adults after all. :)
The bible says, out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak. So why don't we all just write what's in our hearts? Maybe...
1) "10 Things You Didn't Know About Me" - or any quiz you feel like doing
2) A riddle you made for us to solve - reward us too please!
3) Bible trivias - You can just copy-paste! It doesn't get easier!
4) Personal diary - what have you been doing lately?
5) A topical blog - about a certain topic, health tips, etc
6) Reviews - Book, sermon, movies, our own drama performances/CD, etc
7) Favorite things - hobbies, bible verses
8) Wish list - maybe you can get some granted by us! :D
9) Requests - prayer, job, anything! We're like freelancers! HAHA
10) How To's - I really wouldn't mind if some of you taught me how to cook LOL... seriously, you guys LOVE to take pictures of your food (YEAH i saw them on YA facebooks!!! :D) so why not just take the process as well and compile a very easy recipe blog post! You can attract outside visitors too!
I realize I can go on forever. But you get the drill.
Happy posting. :)))))
Boyfriend: "Ok, I got you water."
Girlfriend: "Hmmmm.. but I want juice~~~~~~~"
Boyfriend: ".........."
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Schedule to Get Used to
Hi peeps, as an easy reference and summary of my mass email:
In addition to our regular Burmese service at 1pm-3pm,
Every 2nd week of the month:
-Joint English service in the morning with OFBC, 11am-12pm
-Monthly YAF meeting, 4pm-5pm-ish
Every 3rd week:
Every 4th week:
-English service 4pm-5pm
In addition to our regular Burmese service at 1pm-3pm,
Every 2nd week of the month:
-Joint English service in the morning with OFBC, 11am-12pm
-Monthly YAF meeting, 4pm-5pm-ish
Every 3rd week:
Every 4th week:
-English service 4pm-5pm
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Reaching Our Full Potential for God
How to Reach Your Full Potential for God
1) A Clean Heart
2) A Clear Mind
3) A Balanced Schedule
4) Healthy Body
5) Right Relationships
6) Willingness to Take Risks
(& trust in the Lord)
This is the new book by Dr. Charles Stanley and in it He speaks about how to reach our full potential for God...
Apparently, a healthy body is crucial. It's very difficult sometimes... make sure to take care of your health everybody.
1) A Clean Heart
2) A Clear Mind
3) A Balanced Schedule
4) Healthy Body
5) Right Relationships
6) Willingness to Take Risks
(& trust in the Lord)
This is the new book by Dr. Charles Stanley and in it He speaks about how to reach our full potential for God...
Apparently, a healthy body is crucial. It's very difficult sometimes... make sure to take care of your health everybody.
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