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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trials and Tribulations

The reason I made the last post about sowing and reaping is because - just like everyone else - I face trials and tribulations from time to time, and mine is from home.

No matter how strong I'd try to make myself to be, my mother is my mother. She knows how to get to me and what hurts me the most. She knows what I'm vulnerable to, the sensitive topics, and how to speak to effectively cripple me, spiritually. It's like THE goal of her middle age life to get me out of church. She's not the easiest opponent to reckon with considering she used to preach when she was my age. Now she uses the bible against me. I'm normally tongue-tied, speechless, and defeated by her.

For one, she says, "Don't think I don't know what you're doing just because I'm not here. You go to this stupid church and waste all your time so you cannot get all A's for your classes. How can a University student be going out in the weekend, the whole day, when it's the only day you can study? Sometimes you even go to church 3-4 times a week. Don't lie! I've been to church. I know they have the prayer meeting, fellowship, bible study, whatever! You do it! You go all the way to Oakland spend all the money on gas and toll and even drive people around. Don't lie! Don't lie! I know what church is like! And you give all your money to church! Especially they're refugees!"

My first reaction is fury. Because it's not true! Well... not totally. Soon, the fury is turned on me. I was so angry at myself because I failed to glorify God. I feel like a ginormous failure! This is why:

True, most of the time, I went to church instead of studying. I would rather go to church if there is a revival, VBS, easter, christmas, new year, church cleanup, food fair, fundraising, camp, etc, than study for my exam or tests - most of the time. I see my spiritual investment to be way more profitable than carnal investment anyway! See, I give zero care to earthly rewards; I'm trying to build up my heavenly treasures! Of course, my Mom went berzerk when I childishly rebutted that they are all going to hell if they don't go to church. (By which I mean believing in Christ, etc.) It was like the best I could think to say at that moment. I am seriously not helping God's kingdom. Way to shine for God at my unbelieving household.

See, not caring for earthly rewards does not mean not studying or working hard in the world. I just realized it! In fact, it's working even harder than worldly people who seek worldy rewards!

See, even with the going-to-church-alot thing, I had time to study. I just had to work doubly hard compared to an unbelieving student. Maybe it means I have to sleep only 5 hours a day. Maybe it means I have to give up spending time on leisurely pleasures; Bye-bye Korean music. Instead, I always excuse myself for having completed an eventful day at church and reward myself at home by sleeping in or watching TV and sleeping some more.

It's like I can't even take a little suffering. I am so spoiled that I don't want to inconvenience myself a bit. Even if it is just once a week. I will NOT sleep less than 8 hrs. I will NOT eat bad food like a mere bun or quick to-go sandwich. I HAVE to cook a full meal with soup, vegetables, meat, and fruits, every meal. I just have to or I feel incomplete and cranky. These are just some examples of that many things I refuse to compromise. So I sow in these things, what do I reap?

What is my true desire? To glorify God. To live a godly life. So it just didn't make sense that I sow in indirect matters more than direct matters. Sure, sleep and eat are important but not THAT important when it comes to getting the work done.

I can definitely go to church as many times as God wants me to and still Ace my classes. Because I go to church for the living God who is just real! My problems are real and He sees it! He would have let me reap a hundred fold if I just had the faith to sow! If I have one more chance to go back to school, maybe for my CPA exam, I will fight a good fight of faith.

Meaning, I should sow not in my flesh! Why am I doing so? It just daunted on me so sharply when I was listening to Dr. Charles Stanley's sermon.

I'm not saying good sleep or good food is ungodly. I was trying to make a point. Listen to the sermon. God bless you.

PS: How fitting, bible verse of the day: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

1 comment:

Pastor Lone said...

Right on the mark! Yes, God is spoken to all of us through this message to those who feel "not good enough or useless" in our doing good. "let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Gal.6:9). Phyu, thanks for sharing and I hope you got the answer, what God wants from you. That's the reason that doing what we do. Each week we come to church, keep doing things that we do, why? just for His sake...Obedience to Spirit of God, which is sowing in Spirit. I wish you Mom can listen to this message as well. We pray for you and your family. God bless!