So, we heard the news about Aung Shwe being sick and at Hospital. We visited him yesterday. Well Well Well…he seem so much better in one day and no more operation. Although I didn’t see him at the first day, I heard from Ko Lawrence and Khawnbu that he was suffering from pain and they might do the operation on him. Our prayers got answered. Thank you, Lord. (The note from his room says 2 visitors per patient. Total of 20 people -- including Lillian and Roselyn -- visited him at one time ;) )
Thet Min Zaw said he is feeling better from flu. Thank you, Lord.
I woke up this morning with fever and body ache. Now I’m at work and feeling a lot better. Thank you, Lord.
It’s a new month, a new day… Thank you, Lord for giving us this beautiful day.
Praise the Lord for HE is good. And please continue to pray for them to have complete recovery.
Here are the photos from yesterday.

WOW...what a quick recovery! Praise the Lord for his goodness and mercy...look at him all smiling in the hospital gown! Nway, thanks for sharing the pic with us...
When i'm reading this post, "There is none like You" music playing at the background. It's really touching me how God works among us as His grace and mercy always abide us. Yes, thanks for the new day, new week and new month of the year as today is “March 1st Monday”. Your unfailing Love is always keep us closer to You.
Yes, there is no one like you, Lord…
It's great to see everyone showing the love... hope our beloved Aung shweeee recoverly fully soon.. keep the prayers going.
oh hey i see my hand in the picture! HAHAHA
wow i don't know wht to say, that was really touch when u guys are visiting and thank for all the prayer too. i'm already recovery by all of ur love and pray. Thank God for whtever He had done for me and i know God have a reason to let me pass this test so let's continue serving THE LORD with all we have.
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