PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thank you from YAF4Christ

Thank you all for your effort in this YAF blog.

You inspired many people and gave encouragement through your testimonies, your perspectives, your knowledge, the bible verses, the story box, gospel music, chat box, the new logo, and etc.

Great job everyone!!!!

We are soldiers of the Christ, aren’t we?

Let’s keep fighting for His kingdom.

Aja Aja fighting!!!!!!!!!


Khawnbu said...


Phyu said...

yay, me a soldier. =DDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

"Aja Aja.. Fight Fight".. I love that saying..

We're the soldier in Christ all the way!!

Anonymous said...

Kel, "Aja Aja.. Fight Fight"

"Aja Aja Fighting!"