As Valentine’s Day approaches, our thoughts naturally turn to romance and love. we might wonder whether it is possible to actually be more romantic....
The advice is simply this: take a genuine interest in your beloved. Instead of focusing your interest and attention on yourself, focus it on them. Ask them questions about themselves and draw them out. Everyone has ideas and feelings about numerous things, and our showing an interest in those we love indicates our caring and love for them. Too many of us insult our friends and spouses by never bothering to inquire about their thoughts and feelings. So please take a genuine interest in the lives of your loved ones.
Have a happy V-Day!
Soloman 8:13 "O you who dwell in the gardens, my companions are listening for your voice; let me hear it."
Awww.. My lil Khawnbu all grown up and Giving love advices.. keke.. Yup you are so ready to start your own family.. Happy Vday Bu Bu and Everyone!!
Khawnbu the expert on love matters, thanks for sharing your insights! I take it seriously! And will apply those on my loved ones.. Happy V Day!
A Chit Sayama Gyi (Master of Love)... thanks for your advice. But I like to hear more about you and GN...LOL.... Have fun tomorrow. Don't let GN date DS this time.... Ha hahhhh
I wanna know more about Phyu Loved ones.. hehe.. Who is He?? Intro Intro.. keke..
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