quest4truth: Please don't respond it by saying that Jesus must died on Friday because it was a day before a Sabbath day
quest4truth: not all Jewish sabbaths fall on Saturday
quest4truth: please read Luke 23:56, Mark 16:1-1,Matthew 12:38-40 and Matthew 27:62-63 first. Also if we believe that Jonah spent three days and three nights inside a fish Jonah 1:17 and Esther fasted three days and three nights Esther 4:16 why can't we believe Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights.
quest4truth: please thoroughly read Luke 23:56 and Mark 16:1-1 to find out when spices were prepared by those women. The clue might be there :)
quest4truth: We should know the Resurrection story thoroughly. Without that EVENT Jesus would be no different from others who claimed to be god. right?
Please don't respond it by saying that Jesus must died on Friday because it was a day before a Sabbath day
Please read Luke 23:56, Mark 16:1-1 and Matthew 12:38-40 first. Also if we believe that Jonah spent three days and three nights inside a fish belly (Jonah 1:17) and Esther fasted three days and three nights (Esther 4:16) why can't we believe when Jesus said he will be in a tomb three days and three nights.
Forgot to include Matthew 27:62-63
"Now on the next day, which is the one after the preparation, the chief priests
and the Pharisees gathered together with Pilate, and said, Sir, we remember that when he was
still alive that deceiver said, After three days I am to rise again"
Seems like even Pharisees had a knowledge of what jesus said in chapter 12.
I am confused with the question .... If you questioning about when Jesus rose from the dead ... please look at Mark 10:34" ... and the third day He will rise again." Pay attention to "day" not "days." And there are various scripture verse from OT and NT are prove to tell us about that.
What about Matthew 27:62-63 ".. after three days ..." well ...Bible never says "three nights" ... I understand "Three days" and "Three days and three nights" are saying different things...
If you are questioning about when Jesus died .... perhaps it is better to stat which day is the Sabbath? Jewish time and date cuculation is different with ours today.
"The seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God." Exodus 20:10. "And when the sabbath was past, ...very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre." Mark 16:1,2.
The Sabbath is not the first day of the week (Sunday), as many believe, but the seventh day (Saturday). Notice from the above Scripture that the Sabbath is the day that comes just before the first day of the week. from (
Well ... it is clear for me when Jesus died and rose again ...
Oki ... after I took some time here .. I found out what might be the problem of understanding "three days and three nights" Matthew 12:40 which seems stand seperatly with other book of Bible.
Please check bleow link for the addtional informaton about what meann when Jewish said about "days or nights" Addtionally in hours of NT is calculated different than ours ... for example ... our time 3 pm is describe as 9 hour back time (book of Matt. Mark. Luke) and as 12 hour in book of John.
I hope all the information like when is Sabbath, understanding of NT time people laguage term will help us to see how we shall look at day or length of Jesus.
wow...Aunty Jae, you are so quick. Thank you!
I am ok to accept Friday theory however Luke 23:56 is telling us that women prepared spices and then rested on sabbath day. That means a day before sabbath day they prepared spices for Jesus.
Note: No one is allowed to work on sabbath day by the law of moses.
Then Mark 16:1 informs us that those women bought spices a day after the sabbath day.
What does it tell us? One thing for sure is Christ didn't die on Friday. There gotta be two sabbaths in that week or one of the two authors made mistake! Bible can't be wrong but our interpretation of the bible is.
Jae the link you provided saying that Jesus died on Wednesday. Is that what you are trying to say?
Both of Bible verse are saying same thing ...
Mark 16:1 "when the Sabbath was past" means the Sat(our time) is pass and from v.2 "very early in the morning, on the first day of the week" we can notice that the women came to tomb very early morning of Sunday(our time).
For Luke 23:56, please pay attention to v.54 "that day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near" We can eaily notice now .. it is Friday(out time) late night and women were there to watch where Jesus' body is laid. From v.56 they returned that same night (which is Friday in our time) and prepared spices and fragrant oils (they finished all the preparation before Sabbath day). And they rested on the Sabbath (which is Saturday in our time). Continue to Luke 24:1 "Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning ..." Women came to the tomb to take care of Jesus' body on Sunday (which is in our time)
Both Mark and Luke are describing the same incident ..
kkkkk ... you are right ... I got totally wrong site ....chek this out!
All I am trying to say here is NT people were using different time table to describe days and nights ...
Now you all are really making me to sweat lol lol ..
In addition to these questions, why does it matter that Jesus died on Friday or not?
Is it to point out that we misinterpreted the bible?
No pun intended, just asking it matter of factly.
Also, I want to point out that bible misinterpretation is not new. But it's much more pervasive than we thought. I've learned it the very hard way to always stay open for possibilities and not to become self-righteous. It's not exactly the ideal christian behavior but so far that's what I believe and how I live.
It is not necessary for a christian to know the exact crucifixion date or birth date of Jesus.
Would it be good to know if all needed information are in the Bible?
We love to remember birth dates, anniversaries of the people we care. Some can even tell when (the exact time and date) their loved ones departed.
Why not Jesus' ? :)
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