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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How Do You Define Success?

$$$$ ???
Raising good kids or having a good family??
Good grades (A+) ?
Achieving all of your goals?
Being Famous?


Anonymous said...

There is no solid definition of success. In popular culture, success is measured by your career, your money, your grades, and your prestige that really downplay your character as a person and your emotional and intellectual growth. Indeed, sometimes we do buy into this popular notion of success and we try to orient ourselves in the pursuits of these conventional yet popular definitions of success. In the process, it might limit and stagnate our self-growth if the popular notions of success are the only definitions of our positions in the world.

While the definition of success is pretty fluid, I would like to point out that the fluidity of this definition often creates identity confusion. People usually go into identity crisis when there are immerse tensions between their own definitions of success and the definitions of society, their communities,or their families.

In order to succumb this conflict, most people would go with the popular notion of success since it is like paddling upstream to fight their communities or their families. They fail to realize that God had given them different and unique gifts that might not necessarily orient well with the popular notions of success. If the popular notion of success is being a doctor, but we are talented and interested in other things, to pursue it would be like constructing a strictly social or popular identity rather than our own individual idenity, which is miserable in the long-run.
So I think, firstly, our own success starts with realizing the unique talents that God gave us and then setting/reaching our goals by utilizing these talents.

Second, success should be defined on a personal level rather than at a broader social or cultural level. Defining success based on popular notion or at a social/cultural level simplifies the complexity of each person's abilities and experiences. As I've stated before, since each of us are different due to our talents and socio-economic situations that either limit or expand our opportunities for upward mobility, it is unjust to say that someone is a failure just because he doesn't meet our standards of what being successful is. Instead, we must take into account of the contexts or situations that people are put in. Often times in the blind pursuits of the popular and materialistic definitions of success, we would often end up comparing ourselves to people who are deemed to be better or more successful than us by social standards. Therefore, we should compete with ourselves, measuring our improvements over a period of time instead of competing with other people who have different talents, experiences, and privileges. Hence, success can be defined, at a personal level, as the growth and improvements of a person. This would probably go more closely with the definition of success as attaining our personal goals.

Thirdly, I would like to point out that the popular notion of success--money,cars,prestige, good grades, and careers--is overtly materialistic. They do not measure our spiritual, intellectual, or emotional growth. Just as being religious doesn't equate with being spiritual (there is a big difference between the two), fitting into the popular notion of success doesn't make someone a good person. Conflating the two almost-binary forces would be quite a great fallacy.

Overall, I really recommend people to watch the movie Into the Wild, which explores the conflicts between the individual and the social/cultural definitions of success as well as the identity crisis that occur in the process. I think it's still in theater!!!

Phyu said...

My success is when i finally know the truth about life and live according to that truth.

I'd say I'm already on my way there.

What's your definition of success?

Anonymous said...

i would define success as
personal growth, meeting our individual goals, and living in harmony with God.