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Friday, February 1, 2008


Does GOD give people lesson if they are away from HIM?

Is HE trying to prove that people can’t survive without HIM?


Anonymous said...

are you talking about me or am i just feeling guity.. haha shameful shameful .. i know ahint ahint..

A-S said...

right i like that question Ebay. for me God was always teach us how much He love us and nomatter how far we are away from Him, He surely drow near to Him and give us alesson all the time.

Nway Nway said...

i don't mean this to anyone, but to me only... are in the same situation, well.. remember you are not the only one... LOL

jae said...

Well I like to put “God shows many way that I need Him” rather than “lesson” …. lol …. Whenever I think about the image “He is giving us lesson” … I don’t know why .. but … I imagine He is holding da big stick in His hand with da “Chinese eyes” …. Lol … please no offense if you have small eyes like me .... bcz ….that’s what my two girls says … to me … when I am trying to discipline them …no wonder they don’t like it at all …

Nway Nway said...

what if the way he is showing seems like discipline for us...

jae said...

Meee threeee ….

Speaking of holding da "Stick" ....

Be honest with you … many time I think I overused … sometime I did playfully because it so fun to watch how Lilly & Rosi freaking out … when they are a bit younger .. they used to hold their butt and run … lol … And most of time it seems the fastest way to get their attention to have what I wanted from them … or sometimes … simply .. I got so mad ….

One day … Lillian brought me da “stick” in my hand … ask me to stick to her sister because she is being naughty … It strike me hard ….very hard … Since then .. I am trying very hard not to hold da “stick” as many as often as before …. It is hard … bcz …I am so addicted … hahahha … but nothing is worthy .. if da “stick” is giving them wrong message …

Thank goodness … our God our Father’s lesson is nothing like my da “lesson.” We are really in goooood hands …

jae said...
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jae said...

Oki .. here is another question to make your head crazy … lol

Many year ago... one of my friends got car accident ... she survived with other family members, but she hurt the most ...When I visit her hospital ... she told me ... she might sin against God ... that's why God showed her the lesson ... I didn't say any word back then ... because she was suffering with the pain ... But I wish ... she could see the different way … I also remember one of church members back in Hong Kong. … she used to pray for her son. She was afraid of her son for being far away from his faith. Her prayer sounds more like this …“God, please show him You are real and You are his God “…. But she added, “but please don’t break my son’s leg” … she worried that God might be discipline way too hard …

It sounds funny … but NW’s question really caught my attention … it is so real … aren’t you agree? … now … please turn your Bible … and dig … how we can understand in the terms of God’s discipline?

Phyu said...

I think all Christians go through this at one point or another...

For me, I am guilty of trying to test God whether I really need Him or not.

I tried to live a normal life like the rest of the world. Go to school, make my family happy, work hard, earn tons of cash, and just be an outstanding personality in society to leave a legacy. What more does a human being ask?

I've been trying to achieve that for the longest time. I've been working very hard to leave my spiritual life. Of course, so far, I cannot. I keep coming back to God. It's like an addiction. You all know my history. No matter how many times I got burned by churches, I keep searching for new ones. Once bitten, twice still not shy. I wish I was paranoid or hallucinating, but I think this is all because God has been revealing Himself to me everyday. How? Maybe an emergency, maybe a miracle, maybe a "coincidence," maybe a blessing, maybe not a blessing, maybe a tragedy, a deja vu, whatever. In all sorts of things God reminds me of Him. This life-long struggle of trying to deny God has yet to succeed.

So yes, I do think God gives lessons. But like ko a-s said, i think God is teaching us a lesson all the time. Not just when we are away.

However, I also think, in a way, God doesn't have to do anything when we leave Him to remind us we need Him. The devil will get us. It's like God is on the land, and He told us to stay by Him on the land. But we went into the water where the devil is. We start drowning, panic and run back to God in repentance and realization of the truth. This is just an illustration of one perspective. I don't know~

Anonymous said...

hahaha...poor Rosie and wonder everytime i tell them "mummy's stick" their faces changed...LOL...especially
But anyway, according to the bible, child needs discipline while they are in young age. "Using the rod" is the symbol of purnishment in our culture...cant remember how many times i've tasted my mom stick...LOL :-))...
Thanks GOD for loving us no matter how bad we are. He always showing the way to turn back and draw us near to Him...

Anonymous said...

Does GOD give ppl lesson if they are away from HIM?
God always desires us to b near HIM for sure. God always reminding & teaching us in one way or another dnt hv to b lost or far away from HIM to get a lesson. from my personal experience, there r times i feel far frm HIM. the reason being is not reading HIs Words...not hving time talking n praying to HIM as i would hv in da past. but thankfully there's always a desire inside me trying to get close to GOD again.. i feel i cnt jst turned away from GOD. there's a tide in my soul wit HIS luv... He onced Paid it all for my sins. He showed me how great He is...there's no greater luv.... jst thiking abt His luv.. draws me close to HIm..

Is he trying to prove that ppl cnt survive without HIM??

Um... for me.. GOd teaches me to put HIM first.. so i always trying to remember to put GOD ahead. I noe dat HE holds all the power to mk things happen...then..y trying on ur own while u hv all powerful GOD? rt? but HE gives u strenght,,,and power to do things on ur own wit HIS help.. for me...If i leave it to GOD. all things are taken care of smoothly . GOD is GOOD..yes HE is... In deed...