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Friday, February 1, 2008

Are all sins weigh equally to GOD?

How does GOD see sins??? How does HE deal wit them?? are some sins more sinful than the other?? or are sins are sins?


Phyu said...

Hmmm I think God sees sins very differently.. How He sees it and how He understands it is something I have no capacity of analyzing...

I'm just giving excuse because I really don't know for sure hahaha..

Anonymous said...

thx Phyu.. but one thing we sure of is we r FORGIVEN by HIM. eh.?

Anonymous said...

Matthew 12:31

"31And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."

Anonymous said...

Thank u v. much!

one thing came to mind do we noe wt is blasphemy against the Spirit??and when do we ever blasphemy against the Spirit?

Anonymous said...

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - the unforgivable sin.

The death of Christ covers all sins without exception John 1:29, so what is the unforgivable sin?

Verses 31-32 have caused significant worry through Christian history in people who feared they had committed such a sin. It is important to note the context of these remarks by Jesus. They are the conclusion to His response to the accusation made by the Pharisees that He cast out demons by the power of Beelzebul. The sin against the Holy Spirit is to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan. The unforgivable sin is willfully to reject Jesus by claiming that He is demonic. When one calls evil good and good evil that person’s moral capacities are so twisted that they will never be able to repent and accept Christ. Repentance is the last thing a person who considers Jesus to be evil will do. Without repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as a personal savior, God can not forgive our sins.

Some might ask what if a person blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and then later came to faith in Christ, would he be forgiven and regenerated? What Jesus is saying is that a person who commits this sin will never come to faith in Him.