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Friday, March 12, 2010

Sharing and Updating

Dear all,

How have you all been doing lately? I know that I have been so busy with my school since this semester begin and I haven’t really have a chance to talk to my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ like I used to before. We all have been busy with our own stuff and sometimes we don’t even know what has been going on in our life. Communication is my weakness and especially starting this semester, I didn’t even have a chance to use computer for the social stuff such as IM and FB. Some of you may even think that I am shutting them down, please forgive me if I make you feel this way. I have no intention of doing so, I love you all!! :) Most of all, I felt really bad and guilty that sometimes I keep forgetting HIM as I busy in this temporary life. When I don’t need Him, I easily forget Him. However, at the end of the day or at the end of the road, He is always drawing me back and I am so thankful for that. I’m not quite sure what it is that draws me to Him again and again. Maybe I cannot resist a God that loves me for who I am – a sinner, indecisive, moody, emotional, selfish, prone to temptation and not perfect at all. There are so many times that I have been reminded myself that it is a hope and a future HE gives. Yes! Our Maker loves us. Our awesome GOD never leaves us alone even in our darkest time. And also I am so blessed to have all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys have been my inspiration in one way or another. Lets us all put God in the center of our life and server Him hand in hand. Yeah? =)

Here is my quick update of what’s going on in my life. As some of you may know that I have to move the house last week. Well not me, my family, I have been here in SJ last weekend coz I have a midterm, so they moved everything. I just packed some of my stuff as much as I can last two week before they moved. Finally, I can be able to go back to SF this weekend. However, I don’t know if I can be able to come to church this week since I have to unpack all of my stuff and helping my mom cleaning the house and arranging the stuff.

Since I might not be able to come to church this week and I noticed that this week is our yaf meeting, I would like to share one bible versus I read last night “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Recently, I couldn’t make decision about this research internship that offered, whether I should really apply or not. So I have been praying to God and asking for His guidance and I found this bible versus helps. It is really important to pray for guidance from God before we choose with our own understanding and to make a decision. Hope this bible versus helps for those of you who have been in dilemma situation (such as finding a new job, choosing a school, changing work, etc...)

May God be with you all and have a blessed day.


Nway Nway said...

thanks for the update Susan. I love you too and I miss you ;)

I'm sorry that I couldn't help your family in moving. Are you trying to be tha mee lane mar lay by helping your mom in cleaning and arranging. lol j/k

take care and will you see next week.

Khawnbu said...

hi SuSu, thx for the update and you, mean it!!
I dont feel disconnected from u coz u play words game with me everyday! hahaha

jae said...

Hi, Susan ... miss you le ... and thanks for sharing ... my kids are asking about you ... many of your students are too ...