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Monday, February 22, 2010


Have you ever encountered people who hurt you emotionally or physically? I have. It is so tempting to retaliate. Or you do not want to forgive them for what they have done to you. However, the Bible teaches us to forgive them. In 1 Peter 3:9, it says, "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called...". As believers in Christ Jesus, retaliation should not be an option. When a verse in the Bible says something like "you were called", we believers are supposed to live the life style mentioned. God have purpose and plan for each individual of us. I believe that retaliation and unforgiveness will deviate us from the path that God have for our lives. Romans 12:19 strongly states, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "it is mine to avenge: I will repay".". If you continue to read in this chapter, it teaches us to treat even our enemies nicely. How can will we forgive someone who treated and hurt us badly? We need strength from God. I believe when we ask God for help to forgive the person, the strength will come from the Holy Spirit. All of us are familiar with the verse Philippians 4:13 that God will give us strength to be able to do anyting. If we want to live for God's plan and purpose for our lives, we need to forgive.


Phyu said...

(Zaw Ja, welcome to our website. :))

I have someone that my heart feels dead towards to. It's not that I hate that person or I'm trying to take revenge. I'm just indifferent and nonchalant to any reconciliation efforts by her and I think my coldness is hurting her.

I'm a Christian. God is forgiving a wretched person like me on a daily basis. I really have no excuse.

Thanks for reminding me through your post. :)

Khawnbu said...

your post reminds me one of my aunties from Burma. Every time we say the Lord's Prayer, She always stops and skips this part "as we forgive those who trespass against us" because she could not forgive this one person.

Yeah... forgiving is one of the most difficult things for a human being to do but with GOD we can do anything!!!

Thanks, Zaw Ja!

Ja Zaw said...

Yeah.. it is hard. We actually get held hostage by this unforgiveness toward the people you should forgive. Your mind will never be peaceful if you do not fogive. I believe God made us this way. God will work through us for His kingdom when you have forgiving heart. You cannot really know how many people, either unbelievers or believers, there are out there who get really touched by your forgiveness and get saved or come close to God.

KeL said...

Thanks Ko Zaw Ja for sharing. It's hard to forgive someone that hurt you. It's easier said than done huh? We tend to hold this anger toward the person even thou we know better to forgive.
As for me, when I don't like someone I tend to ignore them as long as it's possible. I cut them out of my life. I know it's not nice but I do it anyway.
Your post remind me about how I should learn to forgive others and not to hold everything inside. It's painful and tiring to hate someone.

Nway Nway said...

Nice post. it seems like talking to me directly....hahahha... I'm trying, really trying here... the more I'm closer to God, the more easier to forgive others. Well...we all are humans and never perfect. So, I will keep trying.. ;p