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Tuesday, January 8, 2008


One of my friend who is not a Christian shared his/her thoughts on how he/she finds it difficult to abandon his/her god.

He/she gave me an example saying "assume you are brought up by your foster parents and found your real parents when you became an adult.
Would you abandon your Foster parents (who nurtured you for your whole life) for the real parents?

How can i explain this to that person?



Nway Nway said...

It can be right or wrong, but here is my answer:

In this situation,
1)You need to know which parent can give you grantee for your future/life.
2)Your real parents don't want to share you with foster parents.

Do you love your real parents? Do you want live with them? It's your freedom of choice. But... if you choose the real parents, you will have to live according to their rules.

This scenario does not completely apply on the original thought of leaving his/her god. You may ask why the real parents left you in the first place.
But our GOD never left you nor forsake you. HE was always there protecting and guiding you, you just didn’t notice.

Anonymous said...

If one believes that all roads lead to Heaven then there is nothing left to say.

To make things simple, try to look at the "Foster parents" as a car you use everyday. If you know for sure by riding that car you will get to your destination then go for it.

Is it possible to erase/wash/undo mistakes, sins and crimes a person has committed with good deeds.
Example: you stole $100,000 from a bank last year but didn't have to go to jail because you recently donated $200,000 to a local school!

What if someone says that He can reconcile you from all bad things you did, you are doing and will do in the future!

iluvJesus said...

Well.. Are you really sure all road lead to Heaven??
If you are sure... what is the definition of Heaven for you? For me Heaven mean the place where I'm going to live for my eternal life with all the best and great things. There will be no sorrow, only joy and happiness.

Okay ... it is true that as a car it can take to any destination. But what if the car you used is something wrong with it? It looks ok from ouside but something missing inside. You think it can take you to destination, but what if it broke down on middle of nowhere?? What are you going to do in that case??

It is not possible to erase/wash/undo mistakes and crimes a person committed with good deeds. No matter how many good deeds you do, it won't replace your sins. You are still guilty and you will still go to prison. Only way you will not go to prison is if the judge favor you and let you free from all charge. In this case.. God is our judge deciding if we can be free from our mistakets, crimes and sins. Because God is a faithful Judge, he didn't free from our sins with no cost. God give us a choice which is Jesus Christ who came to earth and died on cross for our sins. If we believe in Jesus, we will be free from all charges. It's very simple... you want to go to prison or you want to be free?? It is up to you. So, we are not being erase from sins because we do good deeds. We are being erase from sins because God give us a choice and we chose it.

Pastor Lone said...

Great thoughts and very practical answers to the question. I like to add something else that is; If someone only analizing what is wrong or how it is.., it will only end up in lists of analysis yet no definite answer to itself. It will be like; we are imposing incomparable parallelism of God’s grace and truth with what we think we know how in our unfair analysis. The best thing is when we put our trust in God, the things that we never can comprehend become clear. As if, we were blind before and now we see. The only challenge is would you put your trust in God who gives eternal assurance in Christ Jesus?

Anonymous said...

To me, theological terms and ideas will not help nonbelievers to know God. There is not much help in making them believe that they do indeed need a SAVIOR in life.

However, Apostle Paul in Romans 2 said that even non believers know God’s basic moral law, it’s ‘written on their hearts and their consciences also bearing witness.

So one must find out on his/her own who God is. Why not starting from some very basic questions. What are we doing on this earth? Is there life after death? Who created that place that you think you are going after death?

If a person truly seeks God that person will find Him. Only God can change a person heart. One suggestion is to read the Bible as an adversary and start looking for things that seems to be incorrect.

jae said...
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jae said...

I agree with pastor Lone. The truth is truth. The truth can’t be measure by which side is better.

To be honest, I got stunned by the question and really kept me into deep thinking. This whole afternoon I spend most of time to prayer for xoxo 1 love’s friend. Who seems so close, yet stuck in between … I assume he or she must be responsible person..taking value of life seriously...I feel his and her longing for the truth.

With my all respect …. I humbly like to tell him or her … It is not about the relationship between foster parents and real parents. It is battle between cold heart kidnappers and desperate birthparents who had found you. All these years you are brought up by kidnapper. Finally you found out … who real parent is …

Then, here is my simple question …. What would be your choice to spend the rest of your life …. with the kidnapper? or with the real parent?

Phyu said...

Hmm... after reading the comparison questions, I've been cracking my head thinking and came to my own conclusion.

For me, I can't compare my relationship with God to foster parents/kidnappers/cars. Haha.. I tried and tried! Because it's quite irrelevant. It's really hard for me to compare it with anything. Well, that's just me.

If I had foster parents who raised me, I'd definitely stay with my foster parents even if my biological parents show up later. Because my foster parents were the ones who were faithful to me from the beginning. That's a complete story from my relationship with God. So I can't compare it.

So if the non-believer is happy with his god, there's really nothing for me do to show him the way except to keep on sharing the W.O.G., live as a living testimony to God and the bible, and pray that he would recognize the truth. When he sees how faithful our God is to us, how wonderful as a person we've come to be, how our love for one another is unlike anything else in the world, how much we welcome him (the non-believer) continuously with open arms without judgement, he would see that this kind of love God has given us is incomparable to the love any other god can give. That's when revelation occurs and in an instant he would be saved. Not by force and threats like "You will go to hell." I have met Christians like that and it is true but throughout the bible, people are converted because of Jesus' amazing love. But of course, even after we've done all that we could, many will still be blind. I mean, yeah of course, because that's why more than half the world is not saved. We just have to keep on keeping on until people open their spirts. If he still asks me, "Would you leave your foster parents to go to your biological parents?" I would say, "My God is my God. Not my foster parent or biological parent. I don't know how to compare them."

If my parents turned out to be kidnappers who kidnapped me from my biological parents to raise me, I'd definitely leave them and return to my biological parents. However, for all their love and care for me throughout the years, I'd love them the same. What they did is bad but I would still forgive them and support them to death. However, I would live with my actual parents; My heart would be with them. In a way, this is the same as losing me. This could be their judgement from God but that's not for me to say. So, that on the other hand is also quite irrelevant to my relationship with God and I don't know how to compare them. Buddha didn't come kidnap me. I went to Buddha. You could think the devil set it up to make me go to Buddha but I prefer not to think like that for now. Because if Buddha kidnapped me but still treated me good through all these years, I would still worship him even after finding God. But in reality, I no longer worship Buddha. In reality, Buddha was neutral to me. He didn't do anything for me so I also don't want to think he kidnapped me. He's just there. So I prefer to think my God is my God and it's really hard for me to compare it with anything else. When I saw the real God, everything else goes out the window.