As many of you already know, my mother is in town now. She comes by about once or twice a year.
However, it's special this time. It's our first time meeting since my father's death last October, 2007. Losing my father was the biggest devastation of our lives and I'm glad we have this time to heal and grieve together.
I'm also really thankful to God for giving me you to help me pull through. It would have been impossible for me if it'd happened any earlier. So, thank you all. ♥
1 Corinthians 10:13
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
If all goes well, my Mom will visit our church this Sunday!☺
^Mom & Pop during their heydays.
That’s really nice photo. Thank you for sharing with us your precious pic. Now I see where your beauty comes from inside and out. :D:D:D …I feel like I know them for a long time ... and I don’t know why I feel that way …:>:>:>
Having your Mom in town is just like having our Mom in town. We just can’t wait to meet her face to face … and tell her about you … all about you …
Aja Aja Fighting to Phyu Phyu and her family!!!
Awwwwwww.. Phyu Ur Mommy and Daddy look so cute.. hehehe.. :) Thank for sharing w/ us.. Yea.. Like aunty jae said i can't wait to meet her.. hehe.. Some how i know her too.. :)
Phyu, bring your brothers too. :P
Oh nonono Aunty Jae.. I'm not even half as great as them. Sometimes i can't believe they're my parents. I wonder how come they're so strong and I'm so weak..
Thanks Kel, I'm also really excited to introduce her to you all =)
Bu, yeah, at least one of my brothers have to drive. hehe
phyu.. you have the exact same chin as your mother. And one of your bro exactly looks like you dad. when are we meeting?
Ooops sorry.. i found it... this Sunday... hee hee i am getting old.
don't know how the chin can look alike but yes people say me look like mom and 2nd bro looks like dad...
yup sunday is the day!
Hi Phyu,
The picture reminds me of " yee sar cahin" , very romantic.
I know God give us strenth to overcome hard time, and grow stronger.
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