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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 11 :27-30
"27Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.
28A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.
29For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.
30That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. "

What is Paul trying to tell us? Who is UNWORTHY man and what is unworthy manner that Paul referring to?

I think this should be a good discussion since coming Sunday is a communion Sunday.


Anonymous said...

we should not take communion lightly?

Anonymous said...

Unworthy person = someone who got expel from church? or nonbeliever or someone who hasn't baptized yet?????????????

Guys, help!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought it meant for the people that haven't baptized yet since they're not allowed to participates in the communion.. But then again I'm not really sure.. Too many HW to do so I don't wanna look it up.. Just tell me the answer.. hahaha..

Anonymous said...

Ignore my 2nd comment...
I think I know who and what Paul was referring to. But i still want to see what others will say. :)
Hint: context!!!
Aung Shwe, Susan, Phyu, Aw, Ryan
Where r u guys??
You guys are so quiet...make me worry.... :P

A-S said...

Hi Bu that a good suggestion for us. for me when i take the communion like the BIBLE said confess before taking the communion, confess mean everything sometime i can't forget a person i'm not gonna take that communion caz my heart is not worty itself.

jae said...

Thanks Kb for heart felting questions in these days ... Thanks for helping us to keep the Bible near … aren't you all agree? …

For this context ... please read through the whole chapter ...specially ... from v.17 to v. 22 .. and throughout v. 27 to 34 …

It is important to understand the whole story ... it alwasy helps to question about why and how or to whom the author wrote for ...

Anonymous said...

Name: Apostle Paul, a tentmaker.

City: Corinth, the capital of the province of Achaia, a city of social, cultural, and religious diversity; Corinth was located directly south of the Corinthian Gulf.

v 27: The misunderstanding is that the question of worthiness applied to the person partaking. If worthiness were required no one could ever partake in the communion and the Lord's Supper could not be a means of grace.

To know what Paul is saying, we have to read the whole chapter 11 first.

Also read James chapter 2 & Isaiah 1:14-17 because all these verses are saying about the same issue: why GOD would not accept your worship.

By studying the social customs in the Roman, we can understand the problem of the Lord's Supper Paul is saying in this chapter. It will help us understand why this strange division along lines of rich and poor might have happened at Corinth. Since this was long before church buildings were built the Corinthians would have been meeting in the houses of the members.

It was the normal custom of first century Roman banquets to rank the guests by their social standing and seat the highest-ranking people in the dining room. People of lower rank were scattered throughout the rest of the house. Roman literature shows that it was not unusual for the highly regarded guests in the dining room to receive much nicer food than those in the other rooms.

Originally the earliest Christians celebrated the Lord's Supper as the climax of church meal. The problem at Corinth was that the rich brought far more and better food for the church fellowship meal and some of the poor may not have been able to bring any. The rich then insisted on eating their own food and the poor had nothing.

Note: Don't think the Lord's Supper celebrated by Early Christians was the same as what we do in church today. Back then they didn't eat just a piece of small bread or a tiny cup of wine . They did eat supper.

One should now understand what Paul is saying when he used the word devisions in 1 Corinthian 11:18

Verse 11:27 the problem as eating and drinking in an unworthy manner. The context makes it clear that Paul regarded the Corinthian pattern of social discrimination against the poor as partaking unworthily.

In Verse 21, Paul stated that at the time of eating each one at Corinth was going ahead with his or her own supper (bring own food and not sharing with other). The result was that some were hungry and others were drunk.

Paul had described that failure in verse 22 as "despising the church."
Paul's complaint is that communion is not a private party held in the host's home. It is the Lord's Supper. Christ is the host and his customs must prevail not the social customs of Corinth. His point is that they can host banquets or private meals in their own homes when the worship service was not being held.

Verse 29 describes the problem as eating and drinking without "discerning the body." The common understanding of "body" has been the physical body of Jesus, broken in the crucifixion and represented by the bread. However, the larger context also speaks of the "body" meaning the body of Christ, the church. This meaning fits Paul's flow of argument much better. Eating and drinking in social cliques and humiliating the poor was the Corinthian failure to discern the body of Christ.
Paul's final instruction regarding the divisive cliques surrounding the Lord's Supper is for the Corinthians to "wait for each other" and celebrate it together as one in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Thank you "ur daily meal"!!!

In reality, no one is worthy to take the LORD's Supper because we all are sinners but saved by grace.That's why we should prepared ourself for Communion. The Lord's supper is not to be taken lightly because it cost Jesus his life.
1 Corinthians 11:30 really scare me. That shows the seriousness of communion service.

Phyu said...

oh no.. i am guilty. very. i always squeeze and press the bread into funny shapes and show it to aw aw laughing.. because i get bored waiting for the drink while pastor talk.

jae said...

Phyu ... you are not alone ... My home church used to take Lord Supper twice a year (Easter and baptism)... somehow I took it lightly sometimes ...since it comes the monthy ...

Thanks for the scripture verse that shows the light in our life ... and I am sure coming Lord Supper will be very different than any other sunday .... I am kind da looking forward it .... :):):)

wave said...

Ever since I saw "Passion of Christ " , I got so emotional every time I take communion. I feel what Christ went thru for me just to save a wrench like me. I feel so unworthy and yet so thankful for His grace, mercy and love. And hoping someday I'll have supper with Him in person.