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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Genuine Repentance

This is for the believers.

You know how even though we’re saved, we still sin?

Even though we’re Christians now, we still can have bad habits too. I, for one, have many bad habits to break.

Hello, lovelys. I’m back with my Dr. Charles Stanley sermons again. Soooo thankful to God for sending me at least one trustworthy teacher of God’s word on television.

Anyways, this is a great sermon. Sometimes, when I’m struggling with my sins, I would confess to God… I would repent, and repent…. and repent… to no avail.

After listening to this message - which I diligently sought for online after being so miserable in my sin and praying without answers - I realized it’s because repentance is not just about being sorry. Sorry just doesn't cut it. It’s about surrendering everything to God. Giving it up. Making a change. So, enjoy and be blessed as I was. I typed up some key phrases.

God's Call to Genuine Repentance – Part 1 of 3

What is wrong when a person says, “I’m a Christian; I profess Jesus Christ as my Savior.” And there’s no change in their lives?

What’s the problem in the life of a Christian who goes on and on, confessing the same thing over and over and over again?

They would tell you they’re sincere, I’m not doubting that, but something’s wrong with this.

We stand tallest and strongest on our knees.

Romans 2:4 – The kindness of God is to lead you to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 – Genuine repentance – A heart-felt sorrow for sin AND a commitment to forsake sin to walk in obedience to Christ.

It isn’t just enough to have sorrow, regret, and remorse for what you’ve done because you felt guilty or whatnot but there’s a commitment to walk away from it, forsake it.

One of the reasons we are sorrowful of our sins is because

• We got caught.
• Or, we are so miserable living in it.

You can be teary-eyed, you can cry, you can be ashamed of it, be embarrassed, you can fear being caught, whatever it is, none of that is repentance.

The genuine repentance is to change.

2 Chronicles 7:14 – Turn from their wicked ways, then will I heal their land. It isn’t just “humble themselves and pray.”

You cannot tolerate sin. God hates sin. He hates all sins for a simple reason: He loves us.

God's Call To Genuine Repentance – Part 2 of 3

He loves us too much to let us get by with it. He judges sins because He knows what sin does in the lives of His children.

Luke 15:11-15 – A very good example of true repentance: The prodigal son.

He’s sick and tired of being sick and tired.

What change took place? He said, “I will arise and go to my father.” He meant business.

v20-22 – He genuinely repented. He did what he said he was gonna do. He left his old lifestyle.

Many people, they are absolutely spiritually corrupt.

Many people don’t get right with God until they’ve lost everything.

Will God let you lose everything? Every single thing. Is that bad? Anything that drives you to God has got to be good.

He’s trying to get your attention! What got his (prodigal son) attention? He lost everything!

You can’t straighten your life. God must change your life.

That change takes place when you respond in genuine confession and repentance that is a genuine sorrow for your sin. Not only the willingness but allowing God to turn you around and forsake your past ways and begin to walk in a different way.

And I think about people who live with all the wickedness in their lives and they say, “What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna join a church.”

You can go to church, you can go to every denomination, die and go to hell.

“I teach Sunday School, I sing the choir, I’ve even preached a few times.” That would not do you any good.

You mean to tell me if I’m willing to get up and preach and teach and help people to understand the truth, and I still won’t go to heaven? Absolutely not.

God's Call To Genuine Repentance – Part 3 of 3

Matthew 7:21-23 -- “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name? And in Your name cast out demons?

A man can preach gospel all of his life, but if he’s never been saved by the grace of God, when he dies, he’s not going to heaven.

Salvation has nothing to do with good work. You can’t clean up your life. Repentance is not cleaning up my past.

Repentance is acknowledging that my past is wicked and sinful against God, acknowledging my helplessness and turning to Him, asking for His mercy, placing my trust in Him because He said if I would come to Him, He would forgive me, cleanse me and change my life. It’s what He does in us.

But don’t you have to clean up something to get saved? No. You can’t clean it up. If you can clean it up, there’d be no cross.

We’re desperately lost from God apart from the grace and mercy and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us to the realization we need to be saved.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a strong message. It is a message to walk away from your sins.

Salvation is an eternal change of your destiny. Therefore, our walk is to be like a godly man or woman.

I’ve got one or two things in my life, whatever it may be, I’ve asked God to forgive me and you know what? I’m still doing it.

I’m asking You, God, please believe me, I’m as sincere as I know to be, please forgive me. And deep down inside, you know you’re gonna do it again.

What about believers, who have habits in their lives, relationships in their lives, ideas in their lives, lusts in their lives, whatever it might be, and you ask God to forgive you and you come to Him and you confess it.

Let’s talk about confession for a moment.

The primary reason that there’s so much confession and no change is because of one single thing, it’s because I haven’t surrendered it.

It is only when I let it go that there’s gonna be change.

Surrender is the key in genuine repentance. I’m willing to walk away from what God says does not belong in my life. This is why Christians cannot break away from certain habits in their lives.

Partial obedience is disobedience.

By acknowledging your sinfulness, telling Him that you don’t deserve anything, you’re asking for His mercy, His forgiveness, and His cleansing, you’re surrendering your life to him. You’re placing your trust in Him as your savior, your Lord, your Master. And in the process of turning to Him, you’re automatically turning away from your past into a new life that He’s provided for you.


Khawnbu said...

Yes, genuine repentance requires not only admitting our sins, it also takes necessary action to correct our sins...and SURRENDER is the key in genuine repentance.

Phyu, THANK YOU so much for sharing...what a great message!

Here are some genuine repentance discussion questions i found and i think we should discuss each other.

1. What should we do if we do not feel sorrow for our sins? We
can’t fake it or work it up. So what should we do?

2.Does repentance mean that God removes the consequences of
our sins? If He does not, why should we repent?

Phyu said...

YES i'll be back! I'm going to redwood glen for the sisters conference now... be back to share!!! love u all <3333

Susan said...

wow, Phyu, thank you so much for sharing this great message. This is so deep and true!
It got me really thinking deep after I read it and Kb's questions are really interesting. Maybe we should discuss it on Sunday.

KeL said...

i like the message.. has lots of things running in my mind aft watching it. i m up for discussion :)

Building Materials Supplies said...

Genuine Repentance

Thanks for sharing