We started off with cooking, then birthday cake for phyu (sorry I don’t have picture). After the worship service we ate our delicious Si Kyat Kaut Swae. We all went to Walala’s house after the follow up meeting for OBMBC’s projects. After thanksgiving service at Walala’s house we, the YAF, went to Ko Va Bei’s house to have fellowship with him and to comfort him because his brother went to our Heavenly Father a few days ago in Burma (Thanks to Thang Pi for bringing this message to us, otherwise we will not know about it). When we got to Ko Va Bei’s house, we found out his strong faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and how he accepts the will of God. I was really glad to see him like that. He repeatedly told us that he is so happy to see us. He still doesn’t know what really happened to his brother. His brother left 4 kids with wife. Ko Va Bei’s sister is on the way to the city that their brother lived and will try to find out what was really happened to their brother. So, please pray for his sister’s trip, Ko Va Bei, his brother wife and 4 kids, and the rest of the family to have peace and comfort from our Lord. Things happen according to God’s will. Sometime we don’t understand why God does this and that. God’s plans are really amazing and can’t compare with our little minds. Like Job said in Job 1:21, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blesses be the name of the LORD.” May the God be with Ko Va Bei and his family at this difficult time.
Here are the some pictures and video clip from visiting to Ko Va Bei’s house.
my deepest condolences to ko vabei.
that's one thing to pray about.
and i wish i could have been there. imma shoot him an email now.
Thank You, Ma Nway Nway for sharing...
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