Lillian lost her 4th tooth today …
It was easiest one because her dentist to do all the dirty work instead. hahahha (Previous 3 of her front tooth were pulled up by my bear hands …with lots of tears , screaming, and blood cottons … above all the worst part was I never succeed with one time trial) It was her regular check up, so none of us were ready for it, but my brave little girl did it without any hesitance. Yayyyy ..... I was so proud of her.
She wrote; Dear tooth fairy, I think you have to give me four monies because the first, second and third day you forgot to give me a present and money. And also don’t forget I want me and my family to see you. Because my family wants to know what you look like. And please write all about you at poster. Thank you. Love your friend the artist, Lillian.
And she added in the box. The title is “All About Tooth Fairy;” I am …. years old. My hair is … My eyes are …. My favorite food is ….. When I grow up I will be a ….. My favorite color is ….. My favorite thing to do is ……
Huh ... okay ... I got some work to do tonight .... right? The whole night I got hard time to put both of girls on the bed. They were so exciting about the visitation from tooth fairy. They also shared with me their secrets tricks to catch the tooth fairy and how to keep her alive till they wake up. hmmm I must be carefull!
Anyway, the next thing I know was I woke up by two girls' shouting this morning. "Yayyy ... Tooth fairy was here! She paid me back. I got 5 coins all together!" It didn't took long time to figure I slept through last night .... but .... who? if was not me ...?
The unknown tooth fairy said; Dear Lillian, I thank you for your tooth. It is beautiful. Sorry that I forgot last time to give you money. I am 100 years old. My hair is Golden color. My eyes are Brown color like you. My favorite food is an Apple. When I grow up I will be fairy princes. My favorite color is purple. My favorite thing to do is collect tooth from every one. See you next time. From Tooth Fairy. PS: Here is my picture – you can show it to your sister Roselyn and your Dad and your Mom. I like your letter.
The note from tooth fair really keeps my day up. I feel so move by mysterious man's genuine and kind soul. And for that I love him deerly.
I love the pic of the two of them.. they're so pretty! Daddy is gonna have a hard time when they grow up hahahaha...
LOL Lillian will be so happy that she and tooth fairy have the same favorite color. God bless you and your family...
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