PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Victory, Victory, Victory!

Case in point: Lia Lian's guardianship was approved & he bought a guitar for $400 with $50 discount coupon from Tang Naung (thank you TN, it worked ^_^).

Early in the morning yesterday, we went to court for his guardianship hearing. I went as translator/interpreter. A lot of problems came up. 

One of the biggest problems is the insufficiency of documents, such as investigation/social service reports. The judge will not be able to make a decision and we would be given a new hearing date. That's bad news because we have to go home without anything and come back another day. Lia Lian's guardian, his uncle, already took a day's leave, which as you know is not easy to obtain.

The case worker assigned from IRC is Janet. If I'm not wrong, she told us that this could take as many as 50 appearances and the many problems our volunteer attorney, Becky, raised were making it seem like we're gonna be stuck with this case forever. We were expecting anything but a 1-minute hearing.

That's exactly what happened. Everything worked out so smoothly. It's too long to write here. All the problems were resolved miraculously so that the judge can hear us after all and even when he heard us, he only asked us for our names and ages and said, "I will grant it."

I've never been to court, I don't even know what to address the judge by (your honor?) so when he said "I will grant it," I didn't know we got approved or what? I had no idea. I only translated to Lia Lian & his uncle exactly what I heard, "He said he will grant it."

This uncle & nephew pair had no reactions either, making me more confused. Like, aren't they supposed to be jumping for joy now? Their 1 year ordeal is over! Or am I misunderstanding something here? So I stood there like an idiot. 

Until the judge told us to move. Haha... When we got outside, I was squealing and gave our attorney a big hug. She's a nice lady. Janet too.


^So we kinda celebrated by buying a guitar. Actually, I promised him on Sunday to drive him to San Jose on Saturday to get it. He was complaining about having no guitar after moving to the new place. (But everything worked out because we have YAF fellowship at SYLW's house on Saturday.)

He bought a guitar, a strap, a guitar case, extra guitar strings and 2-year warranty, all in total about $600 even with the $50 discount coupon from TN.

He wanted it for a long time now. And we know how gifted of a songwriter he is. That guy writes God songs like spelling ABC.

And you should know he's going blind in one eye now. With the guardianship approved, he can seek subsidized medical attention now and get an eye surgery. Pray for him. God bless Lia Lian & his family. I thank and praise God for blessing our members. It just so happened that this is my off week and I had time. Everything, God planned. I also thank God for your prayers.

Love & see you guys tomorrow at SYLW's house,


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A little sharing of happiness

Lillian lost her 4th tooth today …

It was easiest one because her dentist to do all the dirty work instead. hahahha (Previous 3 of her front tooth were pulled up by my bear hands …with lots of tears , screaming, and blood cottons … above all the worst part was I never succeed with one time trial) It was her regular check up, so none of us were ready for it, but my brave little girl did it without any hesitance. Yayyyy ..... I was so proud of her.

When I was celebrating over this drama with my husband in the waiting room, I over heard the conversation between the dentist and her. It was about tooth fairy. She complainig about her tooth fairy owned her 3 coins. And she hoped that it won’t happened again. I didn’t really think she was serious about it till I found her letter under the pillow with her tooth right before the bed time.

She wrote; Dear tooth fairy, I think you have to give me four monies because the first, second and third day you forgot to give me a present and money. And also don’t forget I want me and my family to see you. Because my family wants to know what you look like. And please write all about you at poster. Thank you. Love your friend the artist, Lillian.

And she added in the box. The title is “All About Tooth Fairy;” I am …. years old. My hair is … My eyes are …. My favorite food is ….. When I grow up I will be a ….. My favorite color is ….. My favorite thing to do is ……

Huh ... okay ... I got some work to do tonight .... right? The whole night I got hard time to put both of girls on the bed. They were so exciting about the visitation from tooth fairy. They also shared with me their secrets tricks to catch the tooth fairy and how to keep her alive till they wake up. hmmm I must be carefull!

Anyway, the next thing I know was I woke up by two girls' shouting this morning. "Yayyy ... Tooth fairy was here! She paid me back. I got 5 coins all together!" It didn't took long time to figure I slept through last night .... but .... who? if was not me ...?

The unknown tooth fairy said; Dear Lillian, I thank you for your tooth. It is beautiful. Sorry that I forgot last time to give you money. I am 100 years old. My hair is Golden color. My eyes are Brown color like you. My favorite food is an Apple. When I grow up I will be fairy princes. My favorite color is purple. My favorite thing to do is collect tooth from every one. See you next time. From Tooth Fairy. PS: Here is my picture – you can show it to your sister Roselyn and your Dad and your Mom. I like your letter.

The note from tooth fair really keeps my day up. I feel so move by mysterious man's genuine and kind soul. And for that I love him deerly.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Satan's Attacks and Bad Habits

U hungering for some powerful word of God?

I listen to Dr. Charles Stanley almost every day - especially when I'm so lazy to flip the bible myself.

Bear with the sound quality, it's okay after a while.

Satan's Attacks and Bad Habits - Part 1 of 3:

Satan's Attacks and Bad Habits - Part 2 of 3:

Satan's Attacks and Bad Habits - Part 3 of 3:

Oh yeah, I've already asked SYLW -  he said Dr. Charles Stanley is very good. Doctrine a-okay~ Yes, I'm super careful. 

Be blessed my honeys. Love you all. Let us be wise yeah!!! Woot! Talk to you all from school~! ciaoooz

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Cable Car Ride With Naing Kee

The topic is still on VBS 2009 and this is at Oakland Zoo.

LoL!!! I just watched this and I find it so funny... Naing Kee is very funny to talk with.

and FYI, I have uploaded every single video I have in my possession. If you wanna check it out, I put them into a VBS 2009 - Phyu's Camera playlist:






Monday, August 3, 2009

VBS 2009

Super long post.

Hi everybody, I finally woke up. LoL

Thank God for sustaining me thus far. I made it through VBS 2009!!! But like Auntie Jae said, we're not done yet!

This year's VBS is.............................. superb.

Hmm... Not as many kids as previous 2 years but I'm telling you, it's the bomb. I think Auntie Jae and Saya Lone Lone Wa Wa did such an amazing job with the program. The games are super fun and the messages are great.

The kids:

They drive me crazy, especially my class. I had to scream at the top of my lungs just to get one sentence across to them because they are so full of energy and so full of life. Hey it's all good. They got my voice all husky and amazing sounding for praise and worship. Falalalalala....

Hahaha.... NOT! Just kidding. I was really happy to see one of the kids really changed. He used to be so quiet and didn't participate much during class, and this would go on for months and months. I always had to ask him if he was alright or if his brother was bullying him. Now, he's the loudest when we sing songs and he's the one to answer most of my bible questions. Either he finally got comfortable with teachers or God really did something in his life. Either way, praise God. :)

I cannot keep their attention for too long so I tricked them lol hahahaha... Nah, I didn't trick them. I just motivated them by saying all we have to do is to get the main point of the message and I'd let them go - which is what I really wanted anyway. I seriously can't keep them otherwise; I'd have to pound the message while their 5-second attention span lasted.

Did I mention the Myan Church came? I'm sorry if I spelled it wrong but these kids are GREAT. They made up almost half the attendees. At first, we were a little concerned about the turnout because many Karen kids from our church moved to other states, etc. But God provided anyway. I don't care if they're Myan, Burmese, Karen, or American, we all need God so we serve them the same anyway. If God sent them to us, it's because we need each other and may God's will be done.

In the beginning, for a couple of hours, it was awkward and everything was new for them. They call us "the big church." But after 3 days, I can't tell if these are our church kids or the Myan church kids. They were laughing as hysterically as our church kids. I know for sure that they enjoyed themselves immensely. I got to know them and they are so comfortable with us now. If we have to play with them 10 hours just to tell them there is a God who loves them, it is worth it to do so.

The Leaders:

Basically staff members but I call them leaders because they really are.

I can't not talk about the Saw Eh Khu trio: His 3 children Cherrie, ToeToe, and Ashlee. They really did such an amazing job leading the VBS 2009 in many ways.

How great were Ashlee's dances? There's no denying it. There's no doubt in my mind that that girl has the spiritual gift of worship dance from God and she is not afraid to use it for His kingdom. She holds nothing back and only 16 years old. She came up with 10 choregraphies for 10 songs in 2-3 weeks and managed to hold her team to lead the kids. They go crazy! The steps are really fun and easy for them to follow! Ok I admit, I love dancing along too. :D

Cherrie was responsible for bringing the Mienh kids to our church. She single handedly brought all of them and did the liaison stuff with their parents to make sure everyone is taken care of. And throughout the VBS, she really paid close attention to their every need and slept with them although she wanted to sleep with me upstairs. All these sacrifices are so lovely to me. She's got a gift with children. I would have gone crazy with their whining. She gets along with them so well! Maybe because she's the oldest sister herself, it comes naturally to her. You need to speak an alien child language if want to talk to those kids and you cannot go to school for that!

ToeToe was fantastic with the boys. What would they do without him in VBS? What would WE do without him in VBS? He was like the big brother to all of them. All of them relied on him and trusted him in entirety. The boys don't necessarily want to talk to the girl teachers and ToeToe was perfect for the role. During the trip to the zoo, he exhibited excellent leadership skills. Small kids are so naughty and they kept running everywhere. Matthew got lost twice in the first hour because he just took off! ToeToe found him back and made sure he's always got the headcounts right. He made sure all his little members are taken care of before himself.

There are so many more young leaders involved that shine like stars to make this happen. They are all so young! Our "juniors" are really growing up. Emily, Mabel, Danielle, Janet, Amanda.... Kelly, Doe Doe, Wine Wine, our cooks and our drivers! Sobs... I feel so touched by their efforts.

I hope this VBS brought out their passion and love for God and the good works that He has prepared for them.


^Phillip and Christian's tennis ball game... so funny..

I am still uploading.

Our official VBS picture gallery (TN and the rest are still uploading):

Nock Nock Nock …

I am blushing … because it has been quite a while to greeting you here this way. I hope you all could find some forgiveness toward my ignorance and careless.

I had very good night sleep. The very first thing I did this morning was opening your blog for listening music with a cup of coffee in my hand. And you know what ? I am already start working on iParent blog. Why it took so long …. I ask myself … and poor me …Though I found so many answers that I could not share with you quite yet ….I like to congratulate my self with you all …first … whom has been support me as who I was …

Thank you all for not giving up on me …. thank you all for trusting me still when I was weak …

It’s funny to say this ….but I think this VBS is going to be very special in my life …I found my calling back … and I learn to trust Him right way …. The best thing is …. VBS is still half way …. and I am ready …. so ready to run …