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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nway Nway's Graduation

Wassup, readers? Mingalaba. :)

The highlight of this week is definitely Nway Nway's graduation. I'll keep it short and sweet, okay?

Very tiring.
Very busy.
Very hungry.
Very many people.
Very big celebration.
Very happy.

Very thank God. :)))

This is actually Nway Nway's special day and it could very well be her personal celebration with her close family and friends. But she always take any opportunity to host and create an environment for EVERYONE to gather and fellowship.

  • She opened her house to welcome us.
  • Her family spent a lot of time cooking and preparing for us.
  • Best of all, they turned on their air con for us HAHAHA
    (Hey, the heat was not even funny, okay.)

Enough. Picture time.




^The after party at Aw Lay's house. 

  • Too much food
  • Too many people
  • Young and old
  • Mote Hin Gar (super super good, cooked by Aw & Nway's mom)
  • Gazillion BBQ - ribs, oysters, chicken wings, beef satay, tongue (the best), fish, corn, meatballs......... ETC!

I'm still full from yesterday! :D

All in all, congratulations to Nway Nway and it was a great time of bonding and fellowship. 

I'll be blogging another post about today's YAF's meeting in a bit. It was so fun, we laughed till our stomachs hurt so much.

Father, we pray to be united as brothers and sisters. Please bless us and teach us to grow and be patient with one another, filling in the gaps with our strengths and weaknesses. When one of us falls, let the other one sustain us. Let us not just contain this joy and salvation for ourselves... but because You have given us this amazing love, it overflows and goes out into the world. Even if no one is there to applaud our good works, we just want to walk in Your ways because it is the only truth that brings real joy.... and we bless Your Name...

1 comment:

LN said...

Amen to the prayer...