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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who are they????


Khawnbu said...

Front row ( left to right)
Nway, Aw, Wai Chan, Ma Cynthia, Janet Paw, Jenny WU, Ma Shina, Saw Misa (AS's sis), Ma Flowra

Second row
Ma Snow, Aunty Jae, Ma Sapphire,Lu Aung, KB, Pearl

Ko Soe Ngwe, Ko David, UNcle Charlie, U Tin Shwe, Jason?, Naw San, Zaw Win HTut, Saya LOne, Jeffery, Naw Ni, Gifford, UNcle SanMya, Naw Bawk, ?, Tang Nawng

Khawnbu said...


that was Bawm Win not Saw Misa! lol

Anonymous said...

btw, where is wai chan now? lawrence

Nway Nway said...

i heard she's in LA.