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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Question on Salvation

Luke 13:23-24 said
23Someone asked him, "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?"
He said to them, 24"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door,
because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.

I know that a person can get salvation only by HIS grace through FAITH. Ephesians 2:8
But according to Luke 13:24, Jesus said we have to try hard to enter the narrow door.
Narrow door = Salvation ????
How do you understand this bible verses (Luke 13:23-24)?
What is Jesus trying to say here?
Any ideas? thoughts?

Burmese Bible:


Anonymous said...

During that time there were so many rules (dont eat this, dont do this) and it's very hard to keep all those rules. Is that why Jesus says "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door..." ???

Anonymous said...

Please read the first book of NT. When u get to chapter 7, u will find ur answer. Author of Luke used Mat 7:13-14 in his chapter 13 v 24. That's what Author of Luke did. He would collect and combine stories from other sources and put them together in order. The author mentioned about that in Luke chapter 1. That's why you would see stories of Jesus performing double-miracle only in Luke. For example Luke 8:44-54. Please note the author of Luke never use the term MIRACLE in his book, instead he used SIGN. SIGNs that tell us that Jesus is The Lord/God/The Coming One told by OT prophets/The Redeemer.

The Importance of Obedience: Obedience is the way of life.

"The way of life" in Matthew could refer to all of the Old Testament teaching on obedience to God, moral and ethical living, and right relationships with other people. Similarly, the way of death described the whole complex of teaching about the dangers of disobedience and immoral and unethical living. For Jesus the way of the kingdom of God was "the way of life."

And u guys know hard it is to be obedience to Christ, both in the sense of heeding his words and in the sense of following his example.
The key to succeed (obedience to God) is by falling in love with Jesus truly, deeply and madly. Be a true fan of Jesus. If u truly love Him, things u once thought impossible to do/follow/obey will become possible easily, without ur efforts.

Just by reading Matthew 7:20-22 It is clear that neither religious words (Lord, Lord) nor impressive religious marks of success (prophesying, casting out demons, and working miracles) guarantee the salvation of a person. If u think and say out loudly in front of other oh i am so saved think again. :-) :-) remember Matthew 7:22

Just remember Jesus is the key, the Truth. Knowing His true nature and falling in love with Him will save u.

GOD is good all the time.