Have you ever written someone off because you had a bad experience with them? Perhaps they said something unpleasant to you, or maybe they did something that you do not approve of.
From time to time, I imagine this happens to most of us, and because we are hurt or insulted, we believe the best thing to do is to have nothing to do with that individual. This is especially disheartening when conflicts within families result in family members not associating with or talking to each other. we should consider these encounters more of a learning experience rather than a parting of ways. During a disagreement it is very difficult and impossible to change a person’s thinking or behavior, and often they feel that we are the one being unreasonable. I am thankful that our Father in heaven does not write us off when we do something that He does not like or approve of. God knows we are only human and subject to faults and shortcomings, yet He still keeps loving us.
Way the go Bubu.. U totally got my attention to read this post.. haha!! Yes we're bless to have such a forgiven and loving father.. Of course that still doesn't give us excuse to be bad.
yay... i am wrote off from your list... thank you!!! Finally... i will have my peaceful life... ha hahhh... so is AS. Good topic. Did I write off anyone from YAF? You make me wonder. '?'
Yea.. bay.. i wonder too.. keke.. Do I or not. haha..
hmm even among us, without a doubt, i'm sure there'd be tension at least once in a while.
the worst thing is to ignore it.
the least we can do is to come before God and admit it. address it.
so far i haven't faced such a situation in YAF yet.. but i'm sure as we grow, we will have some form of a confrontation. which is the most normal thing to happen in a healthy, growing group of people. it's useless if we're just fun-loving, happy, drinking, eating and merrying all the time. but if we are walking with God, there's nothing that we cannot overcome.
the point is not what we deal with. the point is how we deal with it.
i have experienced many such situations with outsiders though. it's extremely difficult to deal with and it tests my faith. when i was younger, i really did cross them out like what you said. i know i could easily resolve matters with the other party if i was willing to deal with it, but just because i was "seit kaut," lol, i decided to "punish" them by ignoring them or disassociating myself with them.
now that i am older, supposedly wiser, i just go to God to forgive me, give me the strength to forgive the other person and look at the problem from their perspective. it's my way of humbling myself. because i came to understand that it was my arrogance blocking the way. and i really cannot do it on my own. my pride and arrogance is on the mountain top. lol. i needed God to teach me and show me. I only learned how to do so after i experienced the great mercy, grace, and forgiveness of God myself. it opened my eyes. i couldn't believe how i had the audacity to judge the other person in the beginning when i myself was really, a sinner. and other times when i transgressed against a brother/sister, they showed great lovingkindness towards me. it really touched me and made me want to be like them.
BUT. it's not a perfect world for me now. i still have a couple of people i don't know how to deal with.
they're not the usual, normal kind of people. they're just overbearing and maybe even mentally disturbed. sometimes i really wonder what's wrong with them. in such situations, i still run away. i don't want to hurt them so i stayed away. i still don't know how to deal with them.
yay...i m not even on the list...to be crossed out...yay
HaHa too bad when u dealing with the people u will never get what u want caz people like we are sometime we don't satisfy ourself so why we judging other, we can't change who they are and what they are the only thing is forgiving. it hard to forgive that why eveerytime we pray we ask God for forgiveness brothers and sisters forgive and forget don't keep in mine.
That's what I'm trying to do ...forgive and forget. Watch out..you might be in my list ..hehehee :P
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