I am staying home and blogging this entry.
Every new year, I make a list of
1) Goals
2) Resolutions
3) Prayer requests
to God.
Seriously, every item I list is a challenge and I write them with A LOT of fear and faith mixed together. Now, I look back at 2009's list and I'm shocked to see how what-seemed-like-unattainable goals are actually achieved. I'm kinda sure it's not me. It must be God. He does it every time!
For example, I wasn't sure about making it through college. But as of this semester, I did. I now have a degree (congrats to Nway2 too!). I still can't believe it. For that, I'm immensely thankful to God for carrying me through. So many times I felt like giving up because it was too hard. Accounting... is just... SUCH A PAIN, OKAY!? Grrr... But HALLELUUUU~~~~JAH! I'm done!
This year, I'm going to be a little bolder. Step a little higher. And I just want to encourage all my brothers and sisters to do the same. If you have big dreams and you are afraid of even thinking about it, just have a little faith in God and pray for it. I did that every year and God seemed to move. I asked for ridiculous stuff and apparently it's in His will and I got them all (almost)!
And wow, another one: I managed to quit spice. That's a miracle if you know me. I was like, addicted. I still eat spicy food but in moderation. I don't even care for it no more. (Can you imagine how embarrassing it was to pray to quit spice, even though it was just between me and God? Haha.. )
Anyways, you know what ALL this means?? I'm upgrading my list to bigger items!!! Mwahahaha... *ahem* scholarship to bible school *ahem* *ahem* be healthier for God and lose 50 lbs or something* haha..
When we sincerely pray and ask of God... there is nothing that He would hold back from us. Right? :))))
Happy new year! 2010, here we come! Ok.. I'm gonna do my 2010 list now. CYA! I love you all and already miss you all.. I'll be back late Jan! Hopefully, I'll be back better, stronger and more refined! Wanna come back praising God!!!