PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Give and Serve

Are you giving more than what you are getting?
Do you tend to serve more than to be served?

If you answer “Yes” to both questions, you are on the right track (at least partially). If your answers are “No,” you might want to reevaluate yourself.

“The world’s favorite verb is ‘get.’ The verb of the Christian is ‘give.’ Self-interest is basic modern society. But in God’s kingdom self-interest is not basic—selflessness is.”
Billy Graham

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

Monday, May 26, 2008

WHY??? HOW???

As we all know what is going on with Burma and China....and you might wonder or ask, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” and “How could God let this happen?”
It seems that we more often question God for the seemingly bad things that happen to us, but neglect to praise or thank Him for all of the good in our lives.
We can't know why God permits certain unpleasant events to happen but we should focus on what we do know. God is our Creator, and He wants us to love and trust Him.
Prayer is as important in our lives during good times as it is in difficult times. It increases our faith and builds a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Let's keep praying for each other and trusting HIM.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Myanmar Cyclone Unity!!

My dearest YAF,

I don’t know how you feel when you heard the tragic news about our beloved home country hit by Cyclone but uneasy aching of constant worry left in my heart ever since I heard the news. Knowing my relatives are suffering from this disaster I feel helpless. With 15,000 death tolls and still rising I keep asking myself how can I help? How can YAF as a group help?

I believe prayer is the powerful weapon.

Can we pray as a group for the people back home?
Can we raise money to help them?
We can talk about how we’re feeling. It helps me ease my pain when I talk to people.

Please give suggestions and testimonials on how we can help as a group.
With God blessing I believe power of the people can concur anything.
May’s basket of “TRUST” let trust in God and Offer our best to help for those who are in need.

I give my title Myanmar Cyclone Unity because it's time for us to unite in time of need. Let use all the basket themes Saya teach us. With our compassion heart, let help to heal those who are weary, with a giving heart, we'll offer our best as we trust in God!

Monkey With A Death Wish?

When i saw this video clip, it reminds me of how we human also tend to play with fire even though we know it is dangerous and could hurt us.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beginning of May: Praise the Lord

Days are so fast. Beginning of another month. We are already in May. Seems like yesterday we had a New Year worship service.

God has been guiding and protecting us. If you are still alive today, praise the Lord.

Speaking of this year, the theme of our church (12 Baskets) is great and interesting. Can’t wait to see what the next basket will be. I asked Saya Lone Wah last Sunday. Told him that we need to prepare praise song for that basket. He didn’t tell me. Well…. I tired, but he can’t be tricked. Hah Hahhh… you all must help next time. LOL

January => A basket of Compassion
- Went field trip and visited to some newcomer homes. Some ppl are in need of health, some are in need of many helps. We prayed for them, and helped explain some documents and letters.

February => A basket of Healing
- Invited some guests who were healed by God. Somehow, Saw Toe Toe was the only guest, and Only YAF showed up for that event.... :))

March => A basket of Giving
- Saya Lone Wah gave $20 each to 5 ppl at first week of month & asked them to testify how they used the $ at the last week. Kelly was one of them. Only 4 ppl out of 5 showed up and gave testimonies ;)

April => A basket of Offer our best
- Didn’t have special program for this basket. We have to offer our best to God. At last week contemporary worship service, ppl raised their hands and submitted to offer their best. At the end, Saya announced that Church-cleaning day is May 10. Let’s see how many ppl show up.. :D

Just recapping what I remember so far. Saya Lone Wah might question us at the end of the year. Ha hahhhh…. we can use these notes!