PRAISE THE LORD! Our first CD album with CMF "Little Lamp" is OUT!!! Visit for more information!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nick Vujicic

I think it will be very great if we can invite Nick Vujicic for our next year revival. Nick's schedule is booked through early 2009. However, if we would like to book Nick at a future we can do so by going to this website:

What do you think?

If you don't know who Nick Vujicic is, please check out these videos:

Free Gift Coupon

I'm sure we all like a BARGING. Right???
Look at Sunday newspaper. It is filled with sale flyers and coupons.
With those coupons, sometimes you can get some items free or buy one and get one free!
But as we all know there is nothing much that is ABSOLUTE free in this world.
However God gives Jesus as a free gift to us. All we need to do is accept it and live according to HIS will.
For me that's the best deal ever! I don’t have to buy anything or use a coupon. I feel so blessed and can't thank enough HIM for the free gift of everlasting life.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Here I am" Rebecca St. James

A song that is very close to my heart! I hope you guys will like it too..

Here I Am

God asked a question
Whom shall I send?
Now what will we answer?
Will we go and do as He says

All that He longs is a heart to ready willing and waiting

Here I am
I surrender my life to the use of Your plan
Here I am
I will do as You say I will go where You send
Here I am

Jesus commanded us
Go and tell the good news
For the harvest is many
But the workers are so few

All that He wants is a heart believing, serving and loving Him

Here I am
I surrender my life to the use of Your plan
Here I am
I will do as You say I will go where You send

Here I am (heyea)
I surrender my life to the use of Your plan
Here I am
I will do as You say I will go where You send

Lord, I give myself to You
My God I trust in You
Lord, tell me Your ways
Show me how to live
Guide me in Your truth
And teach me my Saviour

Here I am ( here i am)
I surrender my life to the use of Your plan
Here I am
I will do as You say I will go as You send

Here I am (heyea)
I surrender my life to the use of Your plan
Here I am
I will do as You say I will go where You send


Friday, April 25, 2008

Just A Thought 4 Today

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Little itzbiz sharing ....

How do I confront crisis ….?

I should not talk too much about my recent driver test experience, but I hope you don’t mind I am sharing this story as the tough moments of this week. I still hunting by instructors mean faces …It’s nightmare.. for people like me … who has been staying at home for many years as full time mom. … having no social activities except weekend church gathering … knowing a little experience about others things in the world. Sound funny … but all I am trying to say is …. I never felt that embarrassing … May be I felt so hard to accept “I am the dangerous driver” as she wrote in her paper. How she dare to call me as dangerous? lol lol lol …

How do I confront crisis? I remember I cried a few hours to bring my emotions down …I gave some look at my innocent husband (I even blamed for the dust in his car ....:<:<) I hold my kids in my arm close to feel some love. I visited blog to share my failure .. since some of you were already asking about ( frankly tell you ...if I know I would fail .. I won't tell anyone about my test date ... how could KB remember such little thing?) … then I were busy with responding comport from many of good friends. Some of sharing was hard to believe ...even AS got failed? He is one of our best driver, isn't he? lol lol lol Well … I guss it sounds so common to everyone. However this is what my faith took me beyond …

I thank God for nothing happened during the test … I am sure I did make my instructor felt very uncomfortable with me in the car, but thank God for no one hurt or hits during the vulnerable 20 min... I truly believe God was protecting me from side by side. I thank God for my husband… who clamed everything was his fault. He did freak out when he saw I had full of tears in my eyes. I appreciate for his efforts to blame everything on his shoulder in order to make me feel better. I thank God for Lillian. We had to skip her school that day to catch up my early appointment. She never complaining anything … though she did miss her school day … And Roselyn … her first word when we picked them up from Sayama Aye Thaw house … “I miss you, Mommy” …. She reminded me the reason to be back … and not to give up. I thank God for many friends who asking my regards throughout phones and emails. They helped me to look at the things that I don’t even care about …. humors, laughs and courage… How do I confront crisis? I don’t … I accept it … and feel His strong arms … and working with my brothers and sisters in Christ. For that I am forever grateful …

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Help Support!!

Hello everyone!! Many of you have already known my friend Nova Chavez from school. She joined us in last year VBS at Oakland. She is now participating in Davis EPIC group where she is learning more about God Words. She has a plan of going to Hawaii with outreach program to the non-believers. But there is one thing stopping her from going and it's financial problem. She has come up with Support Letter to make this trip come truth with God and your help!! Any Help is BIG Help for her and she'll be very grateful!! Please read her letter!!


Dear Reader,

I hope this letter finds you well. How are you and how have you been? I hope things are going great. I am doing well and I’ve been really enjoying my time here at UC Davis since I came fall of 2007. I’ve been meeting wonderful people and experiencing challenges not only academically but also spiritually.

Before I came to Davis, I didn’t expect that I would be involved in Epic, a Christian ministry group, where I found great fellowship and belongingness. Epic is a branch of Campus Crusade for Christ that is run by Asian American students at UC Davis. I’ve become active in Epic since the beginning of my junior year. Through Epic, I have regained my passion in serving the Lord, which I had taken for granted for the past few years. Not only have I grown spiritually by sincerely desiring to further develop my personal relationship with God, but I have also been challenged to share my faith to others.
This summer, I have the opportunity to participate on a summer missions project, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ from June 15th to August 2nd. This is a unique project focusing on reaching lost Asian American students in Honolulu, Hawaii with the reality of the love of Jesus Christ and how He can transform our lives.
Hawaii is a beautiful place, but our time there will be anything but a vacation! During the seven weeks spent there, we will be opening new ministries on campuses that currently do not have a campus outreach through sharing our faith and discipleship. We also will be partnering with local churches to help and serve in the communities on a weekly basis. Lastly, the project will be focused on developing leadership skills in the context of the Asian American culture that will impart a sense of ownership to reach the majority who are still unreached.

Here is a note of a participant from a past project:

“Never in a million trillion years would I have expected that a summer in Hawaii as a missionary would spark so many flames in my heart! The summer project in Hawaii was by far the most amazing spiritual growth experience that I have had in my walk with Jesus. I’ve learned to be a leader for Christ, reach out to Asian-Americans for the sake of the gospel, serve the less fortunate as well as my own brothers and sisters, and basically have found a family of crazy radical Jesus lovers. I am grateful to all the people who supported my trip because they truly were a part of my growth. Without their prayers and support, I wouldn’t have been able to see God’s amazing hand working!”
- Cyanna Salvador

In order to make this opportunity possible, I need to develop a team of ministry partners. There are my friends who would help to pray, finance, and share the vision of reaching out to the lost. My total need is $3800 of which is funded entirely through donations. The cost will cover housing, food, airfare, transportation and the activities for me during our time there.
Please feel no pressure, but if the Lord leads you to be a part financially, the average amounts people tend to give are $50, $75, $100, or $200. If you decide to donate, please make out all checks payable to Campus Crusade for Christ and send back to me in the enclosed envelope by June 15, 2008. All amounts given are tax-deductible and receipts will be given after processing.
If you have any questions concerning the mission trip that I have discussed in this letter, please feel free to call or e-mail me. I would also like to know how I can be praying or doing something for you as well! Thank you so much for your consideration!

Grateful for you,

My Contact Information:

Address: (Please contact Kelly or Nova for address)

Nova Chavez
(415) 531-2209

Friends Just A Thought for Today

"Remember; God does not begin by asking us about our ability; but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability! It's service, not status that counts".

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Battery Chargers

Another weekend just passed by. We seem busier at weekend than those weekdays. But it is good. Without these church activities I wonder where we will be at every weekend. The more we far away from God, the more we are easily to be attacked by Satan. The Church and the fellowshipping with brother and sister in Christ are like our battery chargers. In order for us to live through out the week, we must recharge spiritually and physically.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God Is Our Refuge

I wonder what atheists do when they are faced with a serious crisis or problem. Who do they call upon for help?
I cannot imagine getting through a day without God’s help and love....
Everyone has problems and there are times when we may feel that there is no one cares about us or our problems. But it is nice to know that God cares and loves us, and He is only a prayer away.

Monday, April 7, 2008

How Much Does He Love You?

Without reservation....
With no hesitation.....
There is no love as pure.

He loves you regardless.....

A love that is ageless.....

His love is strong and sure.

He died on a cruel cross.....
He paid such a dear cost.....
Even then, He thought of you.

His death gave you your life.....
A true loving sacrifice.....
How much more could He do?

He came up from that grave.....
That your life He could save.....
That resurrection day.

He went back to Heaven.....
To make you a haven.....
To share with you one day.

There's no retribution.....
And no substitution.....
The score He will not keep.

He'll always forgive you.....
As long as your heart's true.....
You are one of His sheep.

How much does He love you?
Have you known a love more true?
A love we don't deserve.

He'll never desert you...
And always protect you...

Copyright 2001 Our All In All

Bebe San has arrived in our midst, Praise God!

Burmese teen adapts to new life in the U.S.

By Momo Chang, Staff Writer
Article Created: 04/04/2008 05:58:51 PM PDT

Bebe San

Bebe San, 16, arrived in the United States last summer as a refugee with her father and two brothers.
Born and raised in Mae La refugee camp in Thailand _ the largest Karen camp with about 45,000 refugees _ Oakland is Bebe's first experience with urban life.

She is a freshman at Oakland International High School, where there are about a dozen Karen students. The school is in its pilot year and enrolls students who have been in this country less than four years. Refugees may not have much choice over where they end up, but many of the recent arrivals to the Bay Area are from the same refugee camps.

Bebe said she enjoys living in the United States, but says life is hard for her mother, who recently moved to Los Angeles for a better job. Her mother does not speak English and had difficulty finding a job, Bebe said.
``She wants to go back to Thailand,'' Bebe said. ``In America, if you don't have work and if you don't speak English, you don't have money. If you don't have money, you can't eat.''

Bebe has never been to Burma _ she was born and raised in the refugee camps _ but worries for the people there. She recalls last summer's crackdown on monks and Burmese citizens in Burma.

``I don't like the Burmese army,'' Bebe said, tears springing to her eyes. ``I'm scared. When that happened, we came to the church and prayed for the Burmese people.''

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I found superman ...

Can you guess who is flying in the air in the right corner. Yup ... when we all barely lift up our feet from the ground ... the one is already almost above Roselyn height! Yiiiiiii Sharrrrr!!!